10. Forgive

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I wake up at the bottom of my bed with clover using me as a pillow. "Wake up" i say putting my hand on clovers face. After about 5 minutes of trying to get her up i give up and let her sleep. I don't bother getting dressed so i keep my shirt and shorts i slept in and put my jacket on that still had all my stuff from the party last night in the pocket. I make it downstairs and look for dad but he wasn't home. So i go on the porch and light a cigarette. And i see billy start walking over to me. "Didn't he learn his lesson last night" i think. "Hey" billy says "the fuck do you want Hargrove" i say back "i wanted to say I'm sorry for cheating on you even though you beat the fuck out of me"billy says walking onto the porch "and I'll do it again, you have 2 minutes get to the point" i say finishing my cigarette. "Will you give me a second chance" billy says. I think about it for a good minute "fine meet me at the abandon house in the woods Wednesday at 5:00 pm that's 2 days from now" i say "I'll be there" billy says before walking back to his house. I head back inside to my room. Clover is still asleep so i get dressed. I put dark gray jeans and a random band tee i found on. The clock says 12:37 pm. So i jump on my bed scaring clover awake. "Rise and shine bitch!" i yell "are you trying to kill me!" clover yells. I laugh jumping off my bed. "Get dressed I'm going to go make breakfast" i say "ok" clover says going thru my clothes trying to find something to wear. I make pancakes for me and clover. I put 2 on a plate for clover and 2 on another plate for me. Clover comes into the kitchen and i hand her a plate with pancakes. We sit at the table "you didn't burn them this time" clover says laughing "that was one time" i say back "you almost burned the house down" clover says while putting a piece of pancake in her mouth. After about 20 minutes we finish eating "ready to go home" i ask "yep my dad probably thinks i was kidnapped" clover says. We get in my car and head to clover's house. After about 15 minutes we make it to her house. I park in from of the house and we get out "thanks we should do this more often" clover says "definitely" i say back hugging her. Clover walks inside and i start to head home when I remember the look out at the top of the hill that over looks the town that i used to go to. I get in my car and drive. I make it to the top of the hill and park my car. I sit on the front of my car and look at the town. I hear music getting closer so i turn around to see Billy's car. Billy parks beside me and gets out. "Hey" billy says standing beside me "hi" i say back. Billy sits beside me on the Hood of my car "just know what you did was unforgivable" i say "i know i fucked up" billy says looking at me. I look at billy "you look terrible" i say laughing "thanks to your fist" billy says laughing. "Will you be my girlfriend again" billy says "fine, but if you fuck up again i get to kill you this time" i say back "deal" billy says smiling. We sit there for about and hour talking. "I should head home" i say "me to" billy says looking at his Watch. Billy kisses me then gets in his car and drives off. I get back in my car and drive home. I pull into the driveway and see that dads home. I walk inside to see beer cans everywhere and dad passed out on the couch "looks like we're doing this again i see" i think. I clean up all the beer cans and try to get rid of the smell but nothings working so i give up and go to my room. I turn music on and make my bed and put clothes away. I open my bedside table and see the note with Billy's phone number on it. I run downstairs to the house phone and dial the number. "Hello this is the hargroves" Neil says "hey Neil it's glam is billy there" i ask "hey glam yes let me get him" Neil says before yelling for billy to come to the phone "hello" billy says "billy it's glam" i say "hey glam" billy says "I wanted to know if you wanted to come over since my dads passed out drunk on the couch" i say "be over in 5" billy says "ok" i say back before hanging up. 5 minutes later billy knocks on the front door. I open it "hey come in" i say "what you up to" billy asks. I grab Billy's hand and walk to my room closing my door behind us. "I wanted to know if you wanted to get high with me" i ask "sure why not" billy says back. Billy sits at my desk and i open my dresser and get 2 blunts. I light them and hand one to billy. We take in the smoke "where the hell did you get these" billy asks taking another hit "my friend Sam her dad grows the plants" i say back. after about 45 minutes it starts to hit "fuck" billy says laying on my bed i laugh "I'm going to stay here tonight" billy says "ok" i say back laying next to him. "I love you" billy says "i love you to" i say back. After around 2 hours of talking we fall asleep.

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