30. Vodka

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I wake up it was 1:56 pm. I get out of bed and get dressed. I walk downstairs and see that no one is home but me. "I'm guessing that dad took eleven home" i think. I make toast and sit at the table. I finished breakfast then put my shoes on. I walk onto the porch. No cars were at Billy's house "ok this is getting fucking weird" i think. I light a cigarette and walk to the backyard. "Well since no one is home that means no one can stop me" i think. I jump over the fence and head into the woods. I walk till i make it to a tree that had my name carved into it. The bottle of vodka that i left was still there "still full" i think smiling. I sit against the tree and open the bottle. I take a sip and take in the taste "missed this feeling" i think before taking another sip. After an hour i finished the bottle "now to wait for it to kick in" i think relaxing my body. After a few hours i open my eyes "shit did i fall asleep" i think seeing that the sun was starting to set. I get up but almost fall "this was a bad idea" i think trying to walk. I finally get my mind to focus. I start walking home. I somehow made it over the fence then i fall "fuck it I'm laying here for a little bit" i think. I hear yelling it sounded like dad and billy. They see me in the backyard "shit" i think standing up. Dad run's up to me and try's to hug me but i stop him. "Where the hell have you been" dad says "woods" i say back "why do you smell like alcohol" dad says "you probably smell yourself" i say back walking past him. I walk up to billy "are you ok" billy says worried "ok as I'll ever be" i say back. Dad grabs my wrist and makes me look at him "have you been drinking again" dad says getting pissed "no" i say back getting dad to let go of me "don't you lie to me august" dad says "so what I've been drinking it's no big deal!" i yell back "it is a big deal!" dad yells "fuck you" i say back. I grab Billy's hand and walk to the house. Billy takes me to my room and sits me on my bed "I'm not that drunk you know, i can do things for myself" i say "i know how you are when you drink a whole bottle" billy says "shut up" i say back laying down "get sleep" billy says "what about you" i say back "I'm going home" billy says "ok have fun" i say back. I fall asleep knowing I'm going to regret this in the morning. I wake up to dad standing in my doorway saying my name. "Fuck off" i say trying to go back to sleep "get up now i have someone for you to meet" dad says before leaving my room. I sit on my bed and see that billy put a trash can by my bed "smart thinking Hargrove" i think. I get out of bed. I light a cigarette and try to find clothes. I put black jeans and a gray shirt on. I put my boots on in case i would need to run out of the house. I put out my cigarette and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see dad talking to a woman that I've never seen before. I lean against the doorway "you wanted me" i say. The woman turns around and looks me up and down "keep your eyes to yourself" i say flipping her off "august" dad says "not my name" i say back "fine glam" dad says "correct" i say back. "This is my girlfriend Grace hopefully your stepmom soon" dad says "really her, yeah no fuck that" i say back laughing "give it a little bit you will like her" dad says "sure I'll get right on that" i say back sarcastically. "Well we made some House rules" dad says i look at dad and raise my eyebrow "there will be no drinking, no smoking, no back talk, you won't be out past 11:00 pm, and you will give me your car keys when your not using them" dad says "wow, fuck all of that" i say back "don't talk to your dad like that" grace says "keep your mouth shut" i say back "be nice" dad says. I take a cigarette out of my pocket. I put to my lips and light it. I blow out the smoke "oh no I'm breaking a rule" i say trying not to laugh. I walk outside and see billy "hey fucker!" i yell getting his attention. Billy walks over. "How do you feel" billy asks "good" i say back. Grace walks onto the porch "dose your dad know you have a boyfriend" she says "go fuck yourself" i say back. I kiss billy and flip her off. She goes back inside "who's that" billy asks "a bitch that my dad met" i say back. Me and billy talk for a little then we go are separate ways. I walk inside and sit on the counter. "You will respect me" grace says "never" i say back. She try's to grab my wrist but i use my powers to stop her hand. "You are the devil" she's says stepping back "you bet now scram" i say back. She grabs her stuff and runs to her car. Dad comes out of his room "what did you do" dad asks "scared off your bitch" i say back "good" dad says i look at him confused "what" i say back "i didn't really like her" dad says i laugh "your not mad that i smoke" i say back "a little but it's your life" dad says "your not so bad as a dad" i say back. I head to my room and turn music on. I turn it full blast. I use my powers to make myself see ash. "The only power of mine that comes in handy" i think. Me and ash dance around my room. After a few minutes she fades away. I lay on the floor and look at the ceiling. I didn't care to get the blood off my nose. I look at my arm and see the scars from the lab "we meet again old friends" i think. I get off the floor and sit at my desk. Billy walks in. "Hey darling" billy says smiling "hey fucker" i say back. Billy walks up to my radio and takes out the cassette and puts one of his in it. He hands me a beer "thanks" i say. Billy kisses me then sits on my bed. I grab a black shirt and paint. I change into the shirt and grab a paint brush. "Come here" i say. He walks up to me "put your hands up" i say. He puts his hands up and i paint them. "What are you doing" billy asks. I finished painting his hands "ok now touch anywhere on this shirt" i say. He puts his hands on my sides then boobs. "Now what" billy says. I carefully take off the shirt then put it on a hanger to dry. I walk with billy to the bathroom to wash his hands. We walk back to my room. Me and billy light cigarettes. "How have you been" billy asks "not bad but not good" i say back "why" billy asks "a story for another day" i say back. We finish are cigarettes. "I should head home i have school tomorrow and have to take max with me" billy says "ok I'll see you tomorrow" i say back. Billy kisses me then leaves. I change then lay on my bed. "I wonder how long i can stay awake for" i think.

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