25. Jamie

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I wake up it was 3:48 pm. "I feel like shit" i think. I get up and go to the bathroom. I get undressed and get in the shower. After 30 minutes i get out. I wrap a towel around my body. I grab my clothes and go to my room. I throw my clothes on the floor and lay on my bed. I lay there for a few minutes. I figured i should get dressed. I put on dark blue ripped jeans and a black shirt that had skeletons on it. I get a cigarette and light it. I put the cigarette on my ashtray and brush my hair. I finished my hair and looked at my calendar. It was September 1 i feel like passing out when i realized today was a year since ash died. "Fuck today" i think putting out my cigarette. I hear a knock on the door. "Coming!" i yell. I walk downstairs and open the door. I expected to see billy but it was jamie. "Oh hey" i say "just waking up" Jamie says "you bet, come in" i say back. Jamie sits at the table. I get a bowl of cereal. "So how have you been since last night" Jamie asks "good i guess" i say back "you guess" Jamie says. I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink. I grab a beer from the fridge and hand one to Jamie. "Drinking at 4:56 pm" Jamie says "only thing that will hopefully get my mind off today" i say back "why" Jamie asks confused "it's been a year since ash died" i say back "that sucks" Jamie says "yep" i say back. We finish are beers. I throw them away. We hear a knock on the door. I open it and billy walks in. "Clovers putting posters everywhere telling people about your powers" billy says "for fuck sake I'm going to have to kill her ain't i" i say back. "Billy Jamie get in the car" i say. We walk to my car Jamie sits in the back and billy sits up front with me. I start driving "she's most likely still at the high school" billy says "I'll bail you guys out of jail" Jamie says. I park at the high school the only other car there was clovers. "Jamie stay here" i say "fuck you I'm coming with you guys" Jamie says. We walk inside the school. I see clover putting up posters on the lockers. "Haven't you learned your lesson yet" i say walking up to clover "fuck you" she says. I push her up to the locker. I punch her then throw her on the floor. Jamie grabs my wrist. I pull my wrist back from Jamie. I take my pocket knife out. Billy goes to grab it out of my hand but i use my powers to push billy back. Everything goes quiet. I look around and see that I'm in the void. Clover gets up "leave me alone!" clover yells starting to cry "you made me do this" i say back. Clover try's to run but she can't. The same vines start to cover her body. I walk up to her "it has to be done" i say. Everything goes black. I open my eyes and see clover fall from the air with a bloody nose. "Glam!" billy yells. I look behind me and see Jamie helping billy up. Billy had blood on him. The floor was cracked and the lockers were dented. Clover runs off. I hug billy tight "I'm sorry i don't know what that was" i say "your stronger then you think" billy says. We walk outside "You two go to the car I'll be back" i say "ok" billy says. I walk up to clovers car. I grab rocks and smash all her windows. I get on top of her car and jump on it. I jump off and walk to my car. I get in and drive home. I park and we walk inside. Me and billy go to the bathroom. Billy sits on the bathtub. I grab my first aid kit. I clean the blood off billy. "What did i do" i ask "after you pushed me back the ground started to shake, Clover started to float and she begged you to let her down, the floor started to crack, i tried to get you to snap out of it but nothing was working, then i was thrown into a locker, then the ground stoped shaking and you let clover down" billy says "well fuck" i say back shocked. I finished cleaning up billy. Jamie comes in "I'm heading home" Jamie says "ok drive safe" i say back. Jamie leaves "well now that we're alone" billy says. Billy picks me up and sits me on the counter. "You have school tomorrow fucker" i say back wrapping my arms around his neck "that doesn't mean i can't look at you" billy says smiling. I kiss him which lead to us making out. Billy pulls away "i should head home" billy says "ok I'll see you tomorrow" i say back. Billy goes home and i go to my room. I go on the roof and light a cigarette. I lay there looking at the stars. I ended up falling asleep. I wake up and look around me "how did i not fall off the roof" i think. I go back in my room. It was 1:12 am. The phone rings. I run downstairs and pick up the phone. "Hello" i say "hey glam i made it" dad says "oh good" i say back "well I'll talk to you later" dad says "ok be safe" i say back before hanging up. I put my shoes on and walk onto the porch. I figured i should go see eleven. I get in my car and drive to hoppers. I park and knock on the door. Hopper opens the door "it is almost 2:00 in the morning you should be in bed" hopper says "well i came to take eleven" i say back. Hopper yells for eleven. "Glam!" Eleven says hugging me. Me and eleven get in my car and i drive home. I park and we walk inside. We go to my room. I sit at my desk and eleven sits on my bed. "What power did papa test on you" Eleven asks "every power, he tested them on me before he tried them with everyone else" i say back "Come here" she says "ok" i say back. I sit beside her. She holds my hands "close your eyes" she says. I close my eyes. I open my eye and see that I'm in the void. "Now we can see what the other sees" she says. We walk around and i see ash's car. Then i see dad with black veins covering him. I try to walk to him but eleven stops me. "It's not safe" she says "whats wrong with him, this is the second time I've seen him like that here" i say back "i can't say" she says "why" i ask. I open my eyes. "Something is trying to take over his body and mind" eleven says "we need to figure out what it is" i say back. After a few minutes Eleven falls asleep on my bed. It was 4:07 am. I changed and sit at my desk then fall asleep.

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