14. Home

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I wake up and look around the room. Billy is still asleep i kiss billy on the cheek then get out of bed. I look at the clock it says 12:16 pm. I put my gray jeans on and ac/dc shirt on. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I go to the kitchen and see Kate "good morning sleepyhead" Kate says "morning" i say back. I sit down at the table with Kate. "How's your dad" Kate asks handing me a cup of water "good i think, he's in rehab right now" i say back "dose he still drink" Kate asks "most of the time, i got tired of dealing with him so i started going to party's" i say back "i hope he gets better" Kate says "same" i say back "how's your mom" Kate asks "hopefully dead somewhere" i say back Kate laughs "your mom wasn't a good mom, when your parents got divorced i tried to get custody of you but your dad wouldn't let me" Kate says "why" i ask "he said moving away was a good idea" Kate says "he moved us to a shit hole of a town" i say back "can i ask you something" Kate asks "sure" i say back "would you like to see your old house because i bought it after you guys moved" Kate says "yes" i say back "let's get your friends up and we can head there" Kate says. I walk to me and Billy's room but Billy wasn't in there so i walk to the bathroom. I open the door and see billy standing at the mirror putting hair spray in his hair. "Morning fucker" i say "morning darling" billy says. I wrap my arm around Billy's neck and look at him in the mirror "guess what" i say smiling "what" billy says "all of us are going to my old house" i say back before kissing billy. I walk to clover and Sam's room. I see that they had to share a bed. They are still asleep so i take a few steps back then run and jump on the bed. "Morning ladies!" i yell. Clover falls off the bad and Sam puts a pillow over her head. "Fuck off" Sam says "no we have somewhere to be" i say getting off the bed. Billy walks in "need help" billy asks "you can get clover off the floor" i say "fuck no" clover says getting off the floor "get dressed both of you" i say before walking out of the room with billy. After about 20 minutes clover and Sam come to the kitchen. "Let's go" Kate says. We get in my car i sit in the driver's seat and Kate sits in the passenger seat billy sits behind me Sam sits in the middle and clover sits behind Kate. I start driving. After about 30 minutes i see my old house and pull into the driveway. We all get out of the car. Kate hands me the house key. I walk to the front door and unlock it. We all walk inside Kate left it how it was after me and dad left. I see beer bottles all over the place and holes in the walls. I walk into the living room and see pill bottles some with pills still in them. Sam and clover went back outside and Kate went with them. "So this is how you lived" billy asks "yep it was hell" i say back. We walk down the hallway all the pictures were still on the walls. I see the picture of dad and mom's wedding "watch your step" i say seeing all the glass from busted picture frames. I find my parents room and i see dried blood on the bed and floor "what the hell happened" billy asks "my mom throw a glass bottle at my dad" i say back. I opened the dresser and found a picture of me as a toddler. I put the picture in my pocket. We leave the bedroom. I find my room we walk in the walls were still painted baby pink. All my toys were still in the same place i left them and my bed was still unmade. I pull back the blanket on my bed and find my favorite stuffed bear. "I'm taking this with me" i say "do it it's yours" billy says. We walk out of my bedroom "wait i remember something" i say walking back into my parents room. I hand billy the stuffed bear and move the dresser "why are you moving the dresser" billy asks "you'll see" i say back. I get the dresser moved and find a part of the carpet that was covering something. I pull back the carpet and reveal a box in the floor. I take out the box and open it. It has dad's gun, old car keys, lighter, pocket knife and a note. "What the fuck" billy says looking inside the box. "I'll tell you later" i say. I close the box and sit it on the bed and move the dresser back. I grab the box "let's go" i say. We walk outside to clover Sam and Kate. I open the trunk and put the box and stuffed bear in it and close the trunk. "Let's go home" i say and we all get in the car and i drive home. We make it home i grab the box from the trunk and run inside. I run inside me and Billy's room and billy follows behind me. Billy closes the door "ok i want the story behind all the stuff in that box" billy says "ok well the gun is my dads i don't know why he had it, the lighter was my moms, the car keys go to a car that my dad wrecked, and the pocket knife was a gift from my uncle to me before i moved " i say back "fuck your life was fucked up" billy says "yep" i say back. I put the pocket knife and lighter in my pocket. I hear someone walking to the door so I put the box under the bed. Kate opens the door "i put your stuffed bear in the washer for you" Kate says "ok thank you, and here's your key back " i say back handing Kate the key "thanks"Kate says before walking out of the room. "Want to go to the Beach tomorrow" billy asks "sure" i say back. Me and billy lay down in bed i look at the clock it's says 5:47 pm "I'm taking a nap" i say "same" billy says.

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