16. Dream

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After over a day of driving we make it back to Hawkins. I drop Sam and clover off at their houses. I drive to my house. I pull into the driveway it was 4:26 am. "We're here" i say waking billy up. I look at the porch and see dad. We get out of the car i run to dad. "How was your trip" dad asks hugging me "it was fun" i say back. Billy walks to the porch "why are you here" dad says looking at billy. Billy looks at me "it's ok everything is fine" i say. Billy gets are bags out of the car and dad heads inside. Billy hands me my bag "I'm heading home I'll see you tomorrow" billy says before kissing me. Billy heads home and i go inside. "I'm guessing that Kate showed you the old house" dad says "yeah why" i say walking into the kitchen to dad "i told her not to show you" dad says "well she did so what" i say back. Dad gets in my face "because i told her not to" dad says. I push dad out of my face "what's the big deal!" i yell "there was stuff in that house you didn't need to see!" dad yells "like what!" i yell back "you know what!" dad yells "what your gun, the pocket knife, the cassette!" i yell back "you found my gun!"dad yells pushing me into the wall "yeah!" i yell back "you know what fuck you!" dad yells before walking outside to his truck. I lock the front door watching dad pull out of the driveway. I grab my bag and go to my room. I see my clothes and pictures all over the place. "I see that dad went thru my room" i think. I look at my desk to see my empty pack of cigarettes razor blades and a picture of me and billy that dad found. I start picking up my clothes from the floor and putting them away. I put my pack of cigarettes that were in my pocket in my dresser. I open my bag and see the box from the old house. I open the box and take out dads gun and put it in my dresser under my clothes. I take the pocket knife out of my pocket and sit it on my bedside table. I look in my bag and see that billy put my stuffed bear in the bag. I take it out and sit it on my shelf. I put the box and my bag under my bed. I look at my clock it says 6:03 am. I decided to go take a shower. I walk to the bathroom. I open the door to see stuff was all over the place. I pick up everything and turn the shower on. After about 20 minutes i get out and wrap a towel around me. I walk to my room and get dressed. i put jeans and a black shirt on. I lay on my bed after about 5 minutes. I wake up but i wasn't in my bed i was in a hospital like place. I try to get up but i can't. I look around the room. the walls were white and there was no windows. A nurse walks in i try to speak but i can't. The nurse walks up to me and checks on all the Machines that were attached to me. "Don't worry it will be over soon" the nurse says. Everything goes black and i feel like I'm floating. After what feels like forever i realized i was in a void like place. I look down and see that there's water. I see mom in the distance with a little girl that looked like me. I start walking to mom. I stand behind the little girl "it's ok you can do this" mom says to the girl "no i can't" the little girl says crying. Mom hugs the little girl "you can do this" mom says to the little girl before they start to fade. I look around and see a car. i realize it's Ash's car that she wrecked. I run to the car and see Ash in the driver seat. I open the door and see what looked like vines around her body. I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Kate. But it didn't look like her. It's eyes were gone and it almost didn't look human. It walked up to me and grabbed my arm. It turns my arm around. I see 006 on my wrist. "Come back to us" the creature says before fading away. I wake up and quickly sit up. I look at my wrist and see the 006 on it. "Shit, why is this happening again, fuck the gates" i think panicking. I get out of bed and grab my jacket. I run downstairs and put my boots on. I look at the clock it says 5:47 pm. "Wow i slept long" i think. I run to my car and get in. I start it and drive off trying not to speed. After a few minutes of driving i make it to a pumpkin patch. All the pumpkin's were dead. I walk to a giant hole in the ground and look in the hole. I see the same vines that were around Ash's dead body. I hear some sort of scream. I make my way down the hole. i see a flash light that was still on so i grab it. I make my way to the sound. After a few minutes i see someone covered in the vines. I run to them and see that it's hopper. I see a knife by hoppers leg. I grab it and start cutting the vines "be careful" hopper says. I get the vines off and help hopper up. "How did you fine me" hopper asks "i don't know dumb luck i guess" i say back. I help hopper out of the ground. Me and hopper talk for a few minutes "i need to head back to the station and see if I can figure out what those vines things are" hopper says. I watch hopper walk back to his cop car that was parked in the woods. I get back in my car "i need to find that gate that's causing this" i think. I start driving home. After a few minutes I make it home and see dads truck in the driveway. I park my car and get out. I walk inside "where were you" dad asks "none of your business" i say back taking my jacket off. "I'll say it one more time where were you" dad say walking up to me "fuck off" i say back. Dad pushes me to the floor and stands over me "you say that to me again I'll kill you" dad says "you wouldn't" i say back getting off the floor. Dad sees my wrist and grabs it "let go" i say "i told you to cover that" dad says. I get dads hand off of me and step back "so what" i say back "how about stop talking back to me and cover that up" dad says "how about leave me alone before i decide what happens next" i say back. I walk to my room and close my door. I lay down on my bed "i wonder if my powers still work" i think. I stand up on my bed and relax my body. I look at my desk and try to pick up one of my pens. After a few seconds i get the pen to start floating to me. I grab the pen "still work" i think. I lay back down on my bed and go back to sleep to avoid dad.

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