17. 006

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I wake up and look around my room. I get out of bed it was 12:47 pm. I look out my window and see that dads truck ain't in the driveway. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. I put on my blue jean's and motley Crue shirt on. I brush my teeth and hair then head downstairs. I look around downstairs and see the house ripped apart. All the cabinets were open the one chair was broken beer cans everywhere. It looked like a tornado went thru the house. I walk to the kitchen counter and see a note in dads hand writing "if you want to be a bitch be a bitch when you calm down I'll come home". I grab the note and throw it in the trash "mother fucker" i think. I clean up the house then call Sam. "Hello" Sam says "hey Sam" i say back "oh hey glam, what's up" Sam says "can you come over i need to talk to you about something" i say back "sure be there in 10" Sam says. I hang up the phone and walk onto the porch. I look at Billy's house and see that he's not home. I wait on the porch for Sam. After a few minutes Sam pulls into the driveway. Sam walks up to me and hugs me. Sam can tell that something's wrong "what's wrong" Sam asks. I grab Sam's hand and take her to my room. We make it to my room and i close the door. "What's going on" Sam asks "so you remember the gate that those creatures came from" i ask "yeah what about it" Sam says confused. I unfold my arms and show Sam my wrist. Sam looks at it "i thought you didn't have the tattoo" Sam says "i lied my dad made me promise that i never tell anyone" i say back "How are we going to find the new gate" Sam's asks "i don't know" i say back. Me and Sam talk for a few hours trying to figure out a way to find the gate. "Well i should head home" Sam says "ok I'll talk to you tomorrow" i say back hugging her. Sam leaves and i head downstairs to watch tv. I hear a car door shut. I look outside to see dad walking with some guy. I look closer and see that's it's brenner "why the fuck is he here" i think before running up the stairs. I hear the front door open and close. I put my jacket and boots on as quick as I can. Right as I'm opening my window my door opens. I turn around to see brenner in my doorway "we meet again 6" brenner says "fuck off and leave me alone" i say back "i hear that your powers are back" he says "i don't know what your talking about" i say back. I see dad walk up behind brenner "this is for your own safety" dad says "your not taking me back to that lab" i say back "don't worry" brenner says. I see a syringe with some kind of liquid in it in brenner's hand. "Fuck you!" i yell opening my window and leaving out of it. I slid to the bottom of the roof and jump in a Bush. I get In my car and start it. I look at my window and see brenner standing at it. I pull out of the driveway and speed down the road. After driving for a few minutes i turn into the woods to hoppers cabin. I park my car in front of the cabin. I walk up to the door and knock on it. After a few seconds hopper answers the door "what are you doing here" hopper asks "long story short I'm hiding" i say back. I walk past hopper "right now might not be the best time" hopper says. I see a girl with her head shaved "she won't talk to me" hopper says. I sit down in front of the girl. "Hi I'm glam what's your name" i ask. The girl looks around the room then puts her arm out. I go white as a ghost when i see 011 on her wrist. "Your 11" i say she nods. I put my arm beside hers "I'm 6" i say eleven smiles "so your hiding from papa to" i say "yes" she says quietly "don't worry he won't find us" i say back. "I have some clothes that will fit you so you don't have to be in that lab gown" i say. I Walk to my car and grab a pair of pajama shorts and a black shirt. I walk back in the cabin and hand the clothes to eleven. She walks to the bathroom. "Who's this papa guy" hopper says "a guy who would take peoples kids at birth and test on them, me and her were lucky to make it out" i say back "so he's hunting you guys like animals" hopper says " basically" i say back. After a few minutes eleven comes out of the bathroom "better" i ask "yes" she says. Me and eleven sit on the couch and talk for a while. "Hey glam" hopper asks "yeah" i say back "i think he found us" hopper says looking out the window. I walk over to the window and see the same van parked in front of the cabin. "Shit" i say. I grab eleven and run to the bedroom. I close and lock the door. I open the only window in the room. "Let's go" i say. I climb thru the window then help eleven. We run to the front of the house to my car. I see hopper talking to brenner. Me and eleven get in my car and i start it. Brenner turns around to see us. I start driving after a few minutes i see 3 of the vans behind us. I start driving faster and see the field that i first drove my car. "Hold on" i say. i turn into the field and step on the gas. I see a road at the end of the field. After a few seconds i turn onto the road. I see Sam's house in the distance. I make it to Sam's house and pull into the driveway. "Don't worry she's a friend" i say. We get out of the car and go inside. Sam sees me "oh hey" Sam says "can we stay here" i ask "sure" she says "thanks" i say back.

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