46. Why

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I wake up to brenner saying my name. I look around "i must of fell asleep at the desk" I think "we have to go" he says "why" i say back "the creature is in town" he says "shit really!" i say back jumping up from the desk "yes now we have to go" he says. Brenner leaves and i quickly get dressed. I run down the hall to Brenner. We go outside and get in his van. He drives "my dad is safe right" i say "yes him that boy and his family left town" he says. He drives to the middle of the woods. I see workers and Sadie. We get out and i run to Sadie. "Why are you here" i ask "wanted to see what all the drama was about" Sadie says "six" Brenner says. I see the creature. I walk up to it keeping it from getting closer to the others. It started to back up "good" Brenner says. It run's off "fuck" i say. I grab Sadies hand and run after it. "Do you have a death wish" Sadie says "maybe" i say back. We run for a little then come to a road. "I know this road" i say "how" Sadie says "my house is on the other side of the woods" i say back. We make are way thru the woods. "Why don't we just leave town" Sadie says "because i will kill this thing once an for all" i say back. We make it to my house. I see my car. I look in it and see my keys "get in" i say. We get in and i start it then drive off. "How's the lab" Sadie asks "hell" i say back "figured" Sadie says. We finally find the creature. I follow behind it to see where it goes. It goes to the old factory that had been abandoned for years. "This is creepy who builds a factory in the middle of no where" Sadie says "i don't know ask the people that built it" i say back. I park and we get out. We follow it inside "this place it massive" Sadie says. I step on a big piece of metal. The creature turns around "i fucked up" i say. We run into the basement. We find a room. i open the door and we get inside the room. We lean against the door. "Now what" Sadie says "now i have to kill it and not die" i say back "your boyfriend would know what to do" Sadie says "no he wouldn't" i say back "that was a joke" Sadie says "it was a bad joke" i say back. "Fuck it wish me luck" i say. I open the door and make my way back upstairs. I see the creature. I make noise to get its attention. I light my lighter and hold it up. "Powers don't fail me now" i say. Brenner walks in. The creature turns around. I see a pile of old wood under the creature. I throw my lighter. I use my powers to make the flame bigger. Sadie gets in front of me. The creature turns back around. Sadie walks to it "Sadie!" i yell. Brenner run's past it to get to me. The creature grabs Sadie "no!" i yell. I try to run to her but Brenner grabs ahold of me. I use my powers to go back in time but they don't work "what's going on" i think. I try again but nothing happens. I get lose from Brenner's grip. I throw pieces of metal at it. It lets go of Sadie. The creature made a horrible sound before backing up. I run to Sadie. I pull her onto my lap. I hold onto here "Sadie" i say starting to cry. She looks at me "i love you glam don't ever change" she says before closing her eyes. "Not again" i think. I try to wake her up but nothing was working. The fire takes over everything. "Six we need to go" Brenner says "leave me the fuck alone" i say back "si-" Brenner says i cut him off "I'm not leaving her now leave before i let the fire kill you" i say back. Brenner runs off. I hold onto Sadie and watch the fire. The fire goes out after what felt like forever. The building starts to fall apart. People run in and see me and Sadie. Cops take Sadie and i follow them. We make it out. The cops took Sadie to one of the ambulances. Brenner grabs my wrist "we need to leave" Brenner says "get your fucking hands off of me" i say back "six" he says "i ever see you again I'll kill you on site" i say back. He lets go and quickly leaves. I go to my car. I sit on the ground. I had blood on my clothes and hands. I wipe my hands off in the grass. I watch as they take Sadie away. More people showed up. I see dads truck and Billy's car. I get up and walk to them. I see billy get out. Billy looks around then sees me. Billy runs to me "what happened" billy asks "Sadie's gone" i say back starting to cry again. Billy hugs me "it's ok" billy says. "I couldn't stop it my powers didn't work" i say back. Billy let's go of me. Dad run's to me. Dad holds my face "are you ok" dad asks worried "no" i say back. Dad looks at my clothes "it's Sadie's blood" i say "where is she" dad asks "gone" i say back. Dad realized what i meant. Dad hugs me. I go back to my car with billy. A few minutes pass and i see Sadie's mom talking to a cop. I watch as she breaks down. I walk over to her. I sit on the ground and hold her close. We stay like that for a few minutes. She calms down. I see the sun rise "look at the sun rise and don't think about anything" i say. She looks at the sky. Hours had passed. I talked to a cop about what happened. We were given the ok to leave. Sadie's mom left to see Sadie. Me and billy get in are cars and leave. We make it home. I park and get out. I go inside. I head to the bathroom. I shower then go to my room. I get dressed and go outside. I sit on the porch "first ash now Sadie" i think. Billy comes over and sits beside me. He holds me close "it's taking everything in me not to leave this town tonight" i say "you can leave if you want I'll be with you in a few months" billy says "i refuse to leave you here" i say back. "If my powers would have worked she would still be alive" i say. We go to my room. Billy sits on my bed. I grab a glass cup from my desk "you might want to cover your face" i say. Billy puts a pillow over his face. I step back. I throw the cup as hard as i could at the wall. It shatters and goes everywhere "your safe now" i say. Billy looks at me "feel better" billy asks "a little" i say back. I clean up the glass. Dad came home and billy left. Dad hung out with me for a little. Dad went back downstairs. I open my bedside table and grab the bag of powder. I put it on my desk then make lines. I do the lines then clean up the desk. I wipe it off my nose. I lay on the floor and look at the ceiling "clover was right" i think.

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