13. California

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I wake up clover and Sam "why are you waking us up" clover asks "because you guys are going on a trip to California with me" i say back "ok" clover says getting up. After about 10 minutes sam and clover head home to pack in clovers car. I put my jacket and boots on then walk over to Billy's house. I make it behind the house and knock on Billy's window. After a few minutes billy opens the window "why are you awake and knocking on my window at almost 2 in the morning" billy asks "get packing because your coming with me clover and Sam on a trip to California" i say "ok I'll start packing" billy says still half asleep. I walk back to my house. I go to the phone and call hopper "hello hopper" i say "glam why are you calling me" hopper asks "because i need you to take care of the house for a few days while I'm in California" i say back "ok drive safe and keep me updated" hopper says.I hang up then run upstairs and get dressed i put my guns n roses shirt on and black jeans. I grab my backpack and start packing. I grab 2 pairs of jeans 4 shirts my sunglasses socks Underwear and a bra. I put it in my bag and run to the bathroom. I get my shampoo hair brush and toothpaste and toothbrush. I zip up my bag as i hear the front door open. I run downstairs and see billy. "It's 2:46 in the morning what the hell is going on" billy says "I'll give you details in the car, you got your bag" i ask "yes" billy says holding up his bag. Billy puts are bags in the trunk while i lock the door. We get in the car and i start it "I'm going back to sleep" billy says closing his eyes "ok I'll wake you up if i need you" i say back. I drive to clovers house i get out of the car and clover walks up to me "why the hell is billy asleep in your car" clover asks "I'll tell you why later" i say grabbing her bag and putting it in the trunk. Clover sits behind me and goes back to sleep. I pull into Sam's driveway and see her walking out of her house. She puts her bag in the trunk and gets in the backseat. "Let's go to California" sam says. I pull out of her driveway and start driving. After about 6 hours of driving clover and billy wake up "morning bitches" clover says "morning to you to" i say back. "I see it wasn't a dream" billy says sitting up in his seat "nope all real" i say back. We stop and get breakfast then we're back on the road. Billy takes over driving and i sit in the passenger seat. I put the window down and light a cigarette. Billy turns the music up. We drive for about 7 hours. I take over driving "i know how to drive you know" clover says "i know i just don't trust you with my car" i say back. It's finally dark out so i let Sam drive. Me and billy sit in the backseat. Clover was happy she got to sit in the passenger seat because she could control the music. Sam drives for 8 hours. I drive for the last few hours. We make it to California. I start driving thru a town trying to find the address that Kate gave me. After about 10 minutes i find it and pull in the driveway. I see Kate on the porch. We all get out of the car and Kate comes running and hugs me. I hug her back. "You have grown so much since i saw you" Kate says i laugh. "These are my friends and that's my boyfriend" i say pointing at them. Billy comes and shakes Kate's hand. Then Kate hugs Sam and clover. "Grab your bag's and I'll show you your rooms" Kate says. We all grab are bags and follow Kate inside. She shows me and billy are room witch had a queen bed in it and it was beach themed. Sam and clover follow Kate to a room down the hall. Me and billy unpack "i can't wait to take you to the beach" billy says "well this can be our date" i say billy smiles and kisses me. Kate comes in "you guys get some sleep since you guys drove all the way here, if you need me I'll be in my room" Kate says hugging me. Kate leaves and we get changed. We lay down and billy warps his arms around me and we fall asleep.

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