85. Billy's mom

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I walk out of the bathroom and billy follows. I leave the room and go to my music room. I close the door behind me then sit on the floor. I feel a familiar presence behind me. "Leave me alone" i say "no matter how hard you try to get rid of me it won't work" Vecna says "your like a demon that won't leave" i say back "I'll be here for the rest of your life" Vecna says "just keep thinking that" i say back before putting my headphones on. I get up and walk out of the room. Billy was standing outside the door. I turn my music down "you alright" billy asks "yeah, for now at least" i say back. I go downstairs to the phone and dial dads number. Billy leans against the wall beside me. "Hello" dad says "don't even think about hanging up this time" i say back "glam, what do you want" dad says "vecnas after me again, and i would like to not die because of him" i say back "can't help you" dad says "you worked for brenner, you know shit i don't" i say back "don't you mean papa" dad says "mother fucker, if you don't give me answers i will drive back there tonight and find you, or I'll use one of my many other ways!" I yell back "i won't help you, you made your choice to leave, and didn't we have this conversation a few hours ago" dad says "fine, fuck you, go have family time with your bitch son and whore girlfriend, i don't need you as a dad, so just, fuck you!" i yell back "gl-" dad says as i hang up. I slid down the wall and sit on the floor. I put my knees to my chest and lean my head back onto the wall. Billy sits beside me. I laugh trying to hide the fear I felt "I'm fucked" i say "we'll get thru this" billy says "don't waste your time, i started this so i have to end what I started" i say back "glam, i won't let you go thru this alone" billy says. We sit there in silence for a few seconds. "Billy you have a life to continue, i dragged you into my fucked up life, i refuse to let something happen to you" i say back "we've went thru everything together since we met, and we'll continue to" billy says. I look at billy "your crazy" i say "not as crazy as you" billy says i laugh. The phone rings "you go upstairs i got this" billy says. I get up and go upstairs to the bedroom. I put my headphones on and walk around the room. After a few minutes billy walks in and i take my headphones off. "He should leave you alone now" billy says "good" i say back smiling. I sit on the bed "try to sleep" billy says "I'm not five, i know when to sleep" i say back "your actually six" billy says. It takes me a few seconds to realize what he meant. I laugh "fuck you" i say back billy laughs. Billy lays beside me and i get an idea. I get on top of him "remember what happened last time" billy says smiling. I use my powers to pin his hands "maybe" i say back. I lean down to his ear "your my bitch now" i whisper. I kiss him before my nose starts to bleed. I move his hair out of his face "your cute when a girl takes control of you" i say "just remember i have the ability to make sure you can't walk" billy says "remember I'll top your ass" i say back "I'll still make you moan my name" billy says "you are one horny mother fucker" i say back "hey you make me that way" billy says "good" i say back. I let billy go and i get my nose to stop bleeding. I get back in bed and get closer to billy. He wraps his arm around me and i rest my head on his chest. We fall asleep pretty quickly. I wake up and look around. I look at the clock it said 3:07 pm. "I definitely over slept" i think. I get up and get dressed. I walk out of the room and hear people talking downstairs. I go down a few steps and look in the kitchen. I see billy talking to some woman. The woman looked familiar. "Glam i see you peaking" billy says. I quickly hide my head and hope billy doesn't make me come downstairs. After a few seconds billy stands at the bottom of the steps "you can't hide forever" billy says. Billy was in a good mood that i have never seen. I walk downstairs and follow billy into the kitchen. "Glam meet my mom" billy says and she hugs me. She lets go "it's so nice to meet you" she says "you to" i say back "I've heard so much about you, so it's nice to finally meet you" she says "same" i say back. "I see you slept well" billy says "i forgot to set an alarm" i say back "I turned it off when I got up" billy says "nice to know" i say back. Billy and his mom talk and i go outside. I go and get the mail then go back inside. The one thing had my name on it. I put the rest on the table then sit on the couch. I open the mail and read it. It was a wedding invite from dad. "So he's marring Fiona this weekend" i think. Rage filled my body. I get up and go to the kitchen to get my lighter. Billy's mom was hugging billy. I smile seeing billy happy again. She lets go and walks up to me "more fucking hugs" i think. She hugs me "thank you for keeping my billy safe" she says "no problem" i say back. She says her goodbyes then leaves. "Your moms nice" i say "I'm still shocked that i found her after all these years" billy says. I grab my lighter and light the letter in the sink. I watch the flame grow "we don't start fires in the house" billy says "it's for a good reason" i say back. Billy turns the sink on to put the fire out "why did you do that" i say looking at him "keep your fires outside" billy says "dick" i say under my breath. "What even was it" billy asks "wedding invite from my dad" i say back "maybe i should have asked you that before i put it out" billy says "no shit" i say back "but seriously, keep your fires outside, i know your fires get out of control sometimes" billy says "fine" i say back. I clean up the sink then sit on the counter. "What would glam northwest like to do today" billy asks "no idea billy Hargrove" i say back. I could tell billy was trying to think of something just by the way he was focused on the wall. Someone knocks on the door and i get up. Billy follows behind me. I open the door and see dad and Kate. "I heard your dad has been a dick, and since he came here to see you, i figured I'll come to keep him in line" Kate says. I turn to look at billy then back at dad. I let them in and we go to the living room. "I would like to talk to my daughter alone" dad says. I look at billy and nod. Billy and Kate go to the kitchen. "Why are you here" i say "i hate being a dick to you, but you need to accept the fact that Fiona and Jay are family" dad says "you drove for over a day to tell me that" i say back "kinda, and i wanted to see you" dad says "you said I'm not your kid anymore, so i don't believe that" i say back "i know you got the invite" dad says "yeah it met my lighter" i say back "figures" dad says. Everything goes silent for a few seconds. "Fuck you" i say "that's all you ever say to me" dad says "be happy i still call you dad" i say back "i hate that all we ever do anymore is fight" dad says "i did to, till you hit me" i say back "i didn't mean to" dad says "right, it was just another one of your drunken accidents!" I yell back "glam i never wanted any of this to happen" dad says "bullshit!" I yell back "it's true" dad says "you took your anger out on me my entire life, and now you want me to act like nothing ever happened!" I yell back "I'm sorry ok" dad says "i would lock myself in my car because of your fucking son, i needed you so many fucking times in my life but you never gave a fuck!" I yell back "I'm trying to change that" dad says "it's to late, when that wedding happens, I'm not your daughter anymore, your only kid will be Jay, you chose this knowing the outcome!" I yell back "i tried to get us all to be a family" dad says "i have family, your not my family anymore, it's bad that frank was more of a father figure in my life then you!" I yell back "all your family is at home, you don't need anyone else" dad says "Fiona and Jay are not family, billy is more family then they will ever be!" I yell back "billy is just some random guy you met!" Dad yells "i wouldn't be here if i didn't meet billy, you don't know how many random guys i would go home with after party's because i was so drunk i didn't remember anything!" I yell back "and you get mad at me for getting drunk!" Dad yells "you would get drunk and leave me unattended as a kid while mom was seconds from overdosing!" I yell back "oh it's all about your mother!" Dad yells "i tried to fix everything, the only reason I accepted Fiona was because i knew I was leaving, the only reason i didn't fucking kill Jay, your the reason i left, i didn't want to leave, i wanted to stay your daughter not some random person, all the memories i have of us, none of them mean anything now!" I yell back feeling tears start to fall down my face "glam" dad says "fuck you, get out of my house, i never want to see your fucking face again!" I yell back "glam just come back home and we can figure this all out" Dad says. I put my hand into a fist and billy and Kate run in. Billy pulls me outside. "Calm down" billy says "fuck no, I'm done with his ass, I'm going to make him pay for everything he did to me thru my life" i say back. Kate drags dad out of the house and gets him in his truck then waits for him to leave. Kate walks up to me and hugs me "are you alright" Kate asks "yeah just pissed off" i say back. Kate leaves and we go back inside. I go to the living room and sit on the floor in front of the couch. I wipe the tears off my face and try to clear my mind. After a few minutes billy sits beside. "When did he hit you" billy asks "the night that i knocked on your window at three in the morning a few weeks ago" i say back "why didn't you say anything" billy asks "didn't want to worry you" i say back. We sit in silence for a few minutes "I'm going to that wedding since there having it a few hours from here, and i know most of the family will be there, i want to see how long till anyone there sees me" i say "you sure" billy says "yes" i say back. "What would you be like if all the stuff that happened in your life never happened" billy asks "a good christian girl that never went to parties, never got high, smoked, or did drugs, the popular girl in school that everyone wanted to friends with, never would have met you, Eddie, sam, Sadie, august, Dylan, wouldn't cuss, would be nice as fuck" i say back "i didn't know you were a christian" billy says "yep, i stopped being one when i turned 13" i say back "i would have never thought that since you talk about hell so much" billy says "i like to think that hell is home thank you ever much" i say back billy laughs. "Since you know that now" i say billy looks at me. I take my necklace out of my shirt so billy could see it. "I never noticed that you had a cross necklace" billy says "i always hide it, that's why my mom try's to get me to turn to god again" i say back. I hide my necklace again "you didn't see anything" i say "no idea what your talking about" billy says we laugh. "Your not bad Hargrove" i say smiling "your not bad yourself northwest" billy says smiling.

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