12. Sleepover

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"Well what are we waiting on let's get the night started" i say smiling. We run to my room and turn music on. "What should we do first" Sam asks "want to rearrange your room" clover says looking at me "why not" i say back. Sam picks up all my stuff that could Break and puts it in a box and sits it in the hallway. Me and clover take my mattress off my bed frame and push my bed frame to the corner of my room so it's against the wall. We put my mattress back on the frame and start moving my dresser. We push it closer to my door. Then we move my desk to the bottom of my bed and push it up against the wall and put the dresser on the other side of my room so it's across from my bed. I put the bedside table by my bed. Sam comes upstairs with a trash bag "for your trash" Sam says hanging the bag on my door handle. I hang my guitar on the wall and start hanging pictures, posters, shelves and records on my walls. I put my band posters above my bed. Clover puts my stand that holds my cassette tapes by my dresser and puts my trash can beside my desk. I hang my records above the cassette stand. Then i put my pictures on the wall that my desk is against. Then i put the 2 shelves by my window that's on the front of the house. I put all the stuff that Sam put in the box back where it goes. "Now for you to go thru your stuff" clover says. I open my bedside table and take everything out. All it had in it was the note with Billy's number on it a lighter a book and rings. I put it all back in "who's number" clover asks "no one's" i say back closing the drawer "it has to be someone's" clover says "fine it's Billy's" i say back "that fuck" clover says i laugh "yeah" i say back. Sam comes in my room with a basket with my bedding "i cleaned your bedding for you" Sam says putting the basket down "thanks" i say back "me and Sam are going downstairs come down when your done" clover says closing my door. I make my bed and clean up my desk. I hear a knock on my window. I turn around to see billy at my window. I open it and let him in "hey" billy says before i put my hand over his mouth "quiet clover and Sam are downstairs" i say back taking my hand off Billy's mouth. "Looks like you rearranged your room i see" billy says looking around my room "yes now why are you here" i ask "i was bored and i wanted to see you" billy says back. I wrap my arms around Billy's neck and look at him. Billy grabs my waist and kisses me. We stay like that for a few seconds when i hear someone walking upstairs. "Shit you need to go" i say letting go of billy. Billy quickly leaves my room from my window. I close the window as i hear my door open "you need help" clover asks "nope" i say back "ok well come hang out with me and Sam" clover say before heading back downstairs. I walk down to the kitchen and open the fridge i grab a beer then head to the living room. I sit down on the couch with clover and Sam. I watch tv while clover and Sam talk about school. I look out the window to see that it's starting to get dark out. I see billy walk out of his house and light a cigarette. I look over to clover and Sam. I see them looking thru a book. They don't see me get up and walk out of the house. I walk over to billy "hey Hargrove" i say "hey" billy says "Clover and Sam are to busy looking thru books" i say back standing beside billy. Billy warps his arm around my waist. "Got any plans tomorrow" billy asks "not from what i know of, why" i say back "would you like to go on a date tomorrow" billy asks "sure" i say back. "I better get home before clover try's to find me" i say "ok call me later" billy says. I kiss billy then walk home. I walk inside to see that clover and sam are still looking thru books. I go and sit on the couch "want to watch movies" i ask. Clover and Sam's Face's light up "yes" they both say. We find 4 movies to watch. Me and clover lay down on each side of the couch and sam lays on the chair. We make it thru 2 of the movies then we fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of the phone ringing i look at the clock it says 1:03 am. I get up and answer the phone "hello" i say "hello it's Kate, sorry it's late" kate says "it's ok, what do you need" i ask "i wanted to know how soon you could get to California" Kate asks "in like a little over a day" i say back "ok you can bring your friends if you want" Kate says "why" i say back "because i want to see you i haven't seen you since you were 5" Kate says "ok let me get me and my friends awake and packed and make some calls" i say back "ok see you soon" Kate says before hanging up "fuck" i think.

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