40. Awake

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A week had passed. I wake up on my floor. I sit up and see bottles of vodka and beer cans beside me. "Well this is what my life as become" i think getting up. Dad walks in "good morning" dad says. It was nice seeing dad be back to his happy self. "Fun night" dad says "i think i don't remember a thing" i say back "good news" dad says "it better be good or I'm going to drive into a tree" i say back "billy is awake Susan max and Neil went to see him" dad says "wait really!" I say back "yes now go shower and you can go see him" dad says. Dad leaves. I run to the bathroom and get in the shower. I finish and run back to my room. I remember to grab Billy's necklace off my desk. I get dressed then go downstairs. I put my shoes on "ready" dad says. I grab my keys and we go to my car. We get in and i start it. I drive to the hospital. We pass the mall "that's going to be fun to rebuild" dad says. We make it to the hospital. I park and get out. I walk as fast as i can inside "wait on me" dad says "don't be slow then" i say back. We walk to the receptionist. She tells me Billy's new room. We get in the elevator. "Can this thing be any slower" i say dad laughs. We make it to the third floor. I make my way to Billy's room. I find his room and go in. Billy was talking to Neil. The nurse walks up to me. The nurse stops me "Billy do you know who this is" the nurse says Billy looks at me "I'm his girlfriend" i say back "how do i know if you are or not" the nurse Billy smiles "she is my girlfriend" billy says. The nurse lets me pass. I hug billy being careful. "I'm glad your ok" i say "same" billy says "the love birds meet again" max says "shut up" i say back max laughs. I let go of billy "your probably going to have a scar" i say "no way out of getting one" billy says "a tattoo might be in order" i say back "not a bad idea" billy says "we're going to let you two have alone time" Susan says. Susan max Neil and dad leave. "What the hell happened" billy asks "you were possessed and tried to kill everyone" i say back "so like what was happing to your dad" billy says "yes" i say back. Billy looks around and sees his clothes that Susan brought "I'm putting my clothes on if they like it or not" billy says. Billy gets up and changes "better now" i say "i can't wait to leave" billy says "as long as you don't fuck with your healing time you'll leave sooner" i say back. Billy walks up to me. I take his necklace out of my pocket and put it on him. "How did you find this" billy says "i found it by your car" i say back "wait my ca-" Billy says i cut him off "your car is fixed and in my driveway" i say back. Billy kisses me. The nurse and Neil comes back. She hands billy a clip board. Billy sighs it "you can leave" she says. The nurse gives me a disgusted look before she leaves. "I don't think she liked me" i say "most likely" billy says "she said you can't drink, smoke, or move around a lot" Neil says billy nods. Neil leaves and billy gets the rest of his stuff "I'm not going to listen to any of that" billy says "just listen to it for at least a day" i say back billy rolls his eyes. We leave the room and go to the elevator. "The day you finish school we're leaving for California" i say "fine with me" billy says. We get out of the elevator and go outside with the others. I help billy into Neil's truck "remember to listen to what that bitch said" i say "yes i know" billy says. They drive off and i go to my car with dad. "Feel better" dad says "a lot better" i say back. I drive home. I park and we go inside. I eat one of the cookies that Sam made. Dad goes to his room and comes back with a book. "You should have this" dad says. I take the book and open it "it's all the information i have on brenner" dad says "shit you have a lot" i say back looking thru the pages. A hour had passed and Sam showed up. Me and Sam looked thru pictures of us. Dad walks in my room "We have a problem" dad says "what's the problem" i say back. We walk downstairs and onto the porch. The news company was in the yard "are you serious" i say. The news woman asks me questions. "How dose it feel to put lives in danger" she says "what lives did i put in danger" i say back confused "the lives of the people in that mall" she says. Sam was trying to cover the camera. "I didn't put anyone in danger" i say back "you were the one that lit the place on fire with people still in it right" she says "yeah i lit the place on fire but i made sure the kids were safe before i did so" i say back "and we were told that William Hargrove was almost killed because of you" she says "it's billy and he wasn't killed" i say back. Sam started to throw rocks at the people. "You might want to leave before you piss her off more" i say smiling. After a few minutes they leave "thanks" i say "no problem" sam says. I walk over to Billy's. I knock on the door and max opens it. "Hey glam" she says "hey" i say back. Max let's me in "why was the news people at your house" she asks "they wanted answers on why i put lives in danger" i say back "that's new i figured you killed someone" she says "not this time" i say back "Billy's in his room" she says "thanks" i say back. I walk to his room and open the door. He was drying his hair "take a shower" i say "it was the best thing ever" billy says. I smell cigarette smoke "billy" i say "yeah" billy says "what did i tell you about smoking" i say back "it was one it won't kill me" billy says "no more today" i say back. Billy sits on his bed "sleep" i say "i slept for a week, i don't need more" billy says "behave you need rest" i say back "your not winning this time" billy says "the faster you listen the faster you can go back to your every day life" i say back "like what" billy says "drinking, smoking, working out, partying, getting into fights, and another i won't name" i say back "fine" billy says. Billy lay's down. I kiss him "if you need me call me" i say "will do" billy says. I leave and go home. I walk inside "how is he" dad asks "it's like arguing with a five year old trying to get him to listen" i say back dad laughs "your the Same way" i say "i am not" dad says "yes you are" i say back. I go upstairs to my room. I clean up the bottles. I change then sit at my desk. I look beside me and see the figure "fuck off" i say "you win again" he says "since you fuck with me so much why don't you tell me your name" i say back he laughs "you think i would tell you that easy" he says "worth a shot" i say back. He disappears "it's like a kid that doesn't leave you alone" i think. I write down song ideas for me and Sam to practice. I finished and hang the note on my wall. I lay on my bed. I lay there for an hour trying to sleep "i give up" i think. I grab my pillow and blanket. I head downstairs. I see dad asleep on his chair. I lay down on the couch and try to sleep.

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