21. Guitar

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I wake up to billy shaking me. "I'm up" i say "good your not dead" billy says. I look around to see that i fell off the bed onto the floor then ended up falling asleep. "Why are you here" i ask "it's Saturday" billy says "shit it's Saturday!" i yell back "yeah" billy says. I get off the floor and look at the clock it says 3:47 pm. "How the hell did I sleep that long!" i yell trying to find clothes "i don't know" billy says "I have to be somewhere at 5:00!" i yell back. I run to the bathroom and billy comes in. "Where" billy says "i have to preform at the bar" i say back getting dressed "you preform" billy says confused "in my free time yeah" i say back. I put gray jeans on and a black shirt on. I brush my teeth and run back to my room. "I can drive you" billy says "you sure" i say back "yeah so i can still spend time with you" billy says "thanks" i say back. I put my boots rings and necklace on. I grab my guitar off the wall and grab my guitar pick. I put my guitar in its case and put the pick in my pocket. We head downstairs. I grab my bag and put a bottle of water in it. I sit my stuff down and put my denim jacket on. I take my pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and light a cigarette. I grab my stuff and walk to Billy's car with him. I put my stuff in the back seat and sit in the passenger seat. Billy gets in then pulls out of the driveway and starts driving to the bar. "I wonder how clovers reacting to her new school Fame" billy says i laugh "this is probably the most far I've went to ruin someone's life" I say back "what did she do the first time" billy asks "well me and her were 13 and we just started going to the high school, and that was when Ash was still around, we were inseparable we did everything together, then one day she decided to get a group of people to fight Ash, Ash ended up going to the hospital and almost dying, so i started to make each and every single one of their life's a living hell, that's one way i got my reputation, then clover got jealous and started making rumors about me, one was that i was pregnant, so then we stopped talking to each other, then the night of the party is when we started hanging out again" i say back "wow that's a lot" billy says. We arrive at the bar and billy parks. We get out and i grab my stuff from the back seat. We walk inside and i see Sam. I walk up to her "ready to sing" i say. Sam takes a shot of rum "yep let's do this" sam says. Me and Sam walk up to the small stage. I plug my guitar in and make sure it works. Billy walks up "have fun I'll watch from the bar" billy says "ok" i say back. I kiss billy then he walks to the bar and order's a drink. "I'm scared" Sam says "don't be you'll be ok, I'm right here for you" i say back "right" Sam says. People start gathering around the stage. Sam gives me a thumbs up and i turn my guitar on. After hours of me playing guitar and Sam singing and us dancing around it was time to end the night. We say are goodbyes and people start to leave. I unplug my guitar and put it back into its case. Billy comes and lean's on the stage. "You guys did good" billy says "thank you" Sam says walking to the bar. I grab my guitar and hand it to billy "take that to your car" i say. Billy walks to his car and i head back to the bar. I sit beside Sam "I'm fucked" i say "how" Sam asks "i still can't find the gate" i say back "did you ever think to ask that girl that's like your sister" sam says "you mean eleven" i say back confused "yeah her" Sam says "i didn't think of that" i say back. Billy walks up beside me "clovers here" billy whispers I look at Sam "clovers here" i say "fuck" Sam says. We hear the door open and close. We turn around and see clover walking to us. "Look who's here" clover says "leave us alone" i say back "thanks for making sure everyone from school knows my number" clover says "your welcome" i say back. Me billy and Sam push are way past clover. Me and billy get in his car and drive to my house. We get out of his car. I grab my stuff and walk onto the porch. Billy walks up to me "are you doing anything tomorrow" billy asks "nope" i say back "want to come over to my house and do stuff" billy says "sure" i say back smiling knowing what billy means "well see you tomorrow" billy says before kissing me then walking home. I walk inside and look for dad. I can't find him so i go to my room. I put my guitar back on the wall and put my pick on my dresser. I figured i should do something fun to clover. I pull out a box from under my bed. It had all my spray paint in it. I take out black and red then put it in my bag. I walk downstairs and find dad. "Where are you going" dad says "going to spray paint clovers house" i say back "ok don't get caught" dad says. I head to my car and start it. My passenger door opens and billy gets in. "Hey" i say "where we going" billy says "going to spray paint clovers house" i say back "sounds fun" billy says. I drive to clovers house it was 11:49 pm. I see clovers car parked in the driveway. I grab my bag and get out of the car. Billy gets out and lean's against my car. I shake the can with red paint in it then take the lid off. I start on the side of the house. I write everything that i know would piss her off. I make sure to leave my signature to. I go to the front and paint stars. I open the black paint and go to the other side of the house and write the Same thing i wrote on her locker. I put the cans back in my bag then walk back to my car "looks nice" billy says "thanks" i say back. We get in my car and i drive home. I pull into the driveway and we get out. Billy walks to his house. I head inside and see that dads asleep on the couch. I go to my room and put the paint back under my bed. I get changed and lay down on my bed it was 2:03 am. I went to sleep hoping that i wouldn't see that creature again.

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