38. Lie

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I wake up to the sound of someone downstairs. I get off of billy and open my door. I smell weed "fucking Sam" i think. I head downstairs and into the kitchen. Sam was cooking "the fuck are you doing" i say "making cookies" sam says "why" i say back "i don't know" Sam says. I see balls of cookie dough on a baking pan. I grab one "put it back" sam says "you can't stop me" i say back before putting it in my mouth. "Your evil" sam says "you know i love cookie dough" i say back. "Morgan's mom came by and wanted me to tell you thank you for finding Chloe" sam says "it's still weird to think ash had another sister" i say back. Sam lights a blunt and takes a drag. Sam hands me it. I take a drag then hand it back. I grab Sam's wrist stopping her from walking away "yes" Sam says "is everything cool between us" i ask "yes now stop over thinking" Sam says smiling. "For the love of god please tell me that dough didn't have weed in it" i say "it doesn't" sam says. She puts the cookies in the oven. "Want to snoop thru your dads room" sam says "why not" i say back. We go to dads room and i put in the pass code. We walk in and start looking around. Sam looks around the desk and i look under the bed. "Hey glam" sam says i turn around and see her holding up and bag of white powder "cocaine" i say "you might want to hold onto this" sam says handing me the bag. I put in my pocket and keep looking. I pull out a box that was old looking. I open it and see pictures "sam come here" i say. Sam sits beside me "that's a lot of pictures" sam says. I start looking thru them. I find a picture that had a woman at a party "who's that" Sam asks "my mom" i say back. I keep looking and find pictures of me and ash as kids and some of me and Sam. I put the pictures back and push the box back under the bed. I look at the bed and see something under the pillow. I lift the pillow and see a magazine "for fuck sake" i say Sam looks over my shoulder "haha that would be porn" sam says laughing. I put the pillow back down "that was gross" i say back sam laughs. Sam goes back to the kitchen to check on the oven. I keep looking around. I look thru the book case. I see books in the back that had names on them. I grab them and put them on the desk. The one said ash on it. I open it and it had pictures of her and pictures of the wreak "why dose he have these" i think. I see the news reports and pieces of her clothes "what" i think. I open the next book that had Sam's name on it. It had Sam's mug shots and all her information. I move onto the next it had Billy's name i open it. It had pictures of me and billy in the woods "who took these pictures" i think. Sam walks in "look at these" i say. Sam opens hers "your dad is some sick fuck" sam says "i need to figure out who took these pictures" i say back. I fine more hidden in the book case. They had eleven Morgan and clovers names. I put all but ash's back. We walk out and i lock the door. We walk back to the kitchen. Billy was sitting at the table "morning darling" billy says "morning" i say back "you ok" billy asks "not really" i say back. I put the book on the table and open it "my dad has been keeping files on everyone i know" i say. Billy looks thru the book "this might be the right time to give you this" sam says. She hands me a piece of paper "i found it in his room" sam says. I unfold the paper. It had Coordinates and the date and said brenner "dad was going to meet brenner today" i say "most likely" sam says. Sam hugs me "dad was the reason brenner was back in town,he's the reason i was taken back to the lab, he's the reason for all of this" i say. "Get dressed we're going to those coordinates" i say. Me and billy go to my room. I get dressed and go to my dresser. I grab dads gun "i thought you ran out of bullets" billy says "i found more" i say back. We finish getting dressed. We go to my car "let's not die today" Sam says. We get in and i drive to the location. I drive for an hour. We make it to the middle of the woods. We get out "you guys stay close" i say. We see a white van. Brenner gets out "we meet again six" Brenner says "hopefully the last" i say back "i see you took five with you" Brenner says "why are you here" i say back "your dad promised me that i could have you if i left and never came back" Brenner says "well that's not happening" i say back. "why the fuck dose my dad have files of everyone i know" i say "he was getting them for me so i could track your every move" Brenner says "why do you need information about ash" i say back "because i could use her death to frame someone" Brenner says. I walk closer to him and billy follows "just know if i ever see you back here I'll do everything that you would do to me as a kid" i say "like what i never did anything to you" Brenner says "oh really then what about the shock collar the drugs the letting the others do what ever they wanted to me" i say back he laughs "i would never" Brenner says. I grab his shirt and throw him on the ground. Billy backs up. I step on his chest and take my gun out of my pocket. "If You ever try to find me eleven or five again it'll be your last" i say holding the gun up to his face. "think about what your doing" Brenner says. Billy goes to stop me but Sam stops him. I grab the syringe from my back pocket "I'll see you in hell" i say before putting the needle in his neck. I put my gun in my pocket. I stand over him and watch him go unconscious "did you kill him" billy says "nope" i say back. I put brenner against a tree. I walk over to my car and grab my rope from my trunk "why do you keep rope in your car" billy asks "you never know when you'll need it" i say back. I wrap the rope around brenner and the tree. I tie it and walk to his van. I open the door and take the keys. I go to the back and find bottles of the drugs he uses on his subjects. I grab the bottles. I get out and stab his tires with my knife. "Let's go home" i say. We get in and i drive home. We make it home and i park. We get out and go inside. I go to my room and hide the bottles and gun. Sam walks in "you alright" sam asks "no" i say back. I grab a can of spray paint and go back downstairs. I go to dads room. Billy stands in the doorway and Sam stands behind him. I rip down all dads posters and smash his picture frames. I write on the walls and take the files off the book case and sit them on his bed. I smash more stuff. I smash his desk and put holes in the walls. I sit on the floor and start to cry. Billy sits beside me and hugs me. I calm down "it's ok" billy says. We get up and i look around "i hope he dies as painful as ash did" i say. Billy walks out "the only parent i had in my life betrayed me" i think. I take the pictures out of Billy and Sam's files. Glam!" sam yells. I walk to the kitchen and see dad. "Hey" dad says "you mother fucker!" i say back. I push dad into the wall "you were going to meet Brenner today!" i yell "it's not want you think" dad says "sure it's not want i think!" i yell back "glam listen to me" dad says "you have files on everything I know!" i yell back. Billy try's to stop me. I use my powers to hold him back. "You lied to me about everything!" i yell "i was trying to protect you!" dad yells. I put my hand in a fist "putting your kid in danger is not protecting!" i yell back. I take my knife out of my pocket then throw it at dad but i miss. Billy grabs me and Sam gets in front of me "billy Hargrove let me go!" i yell trying to get lose. Sam holds onto my wrists "glam calm down" sam says. Billy takes me upstairs to my room and locks my door "let me leave" i say "no" billy says. I try to push past him but he stops me. "I'm going to finish what i started" i say "I'm sorry" billy says. I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I take out a syringe then look at billy "fuck you" i say before passing out.

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