48. Mother

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"Would you like help" i ask "only if you don't set anything on fire" dad says "easy" i say back. Dad gives me a knife and a cutting bored. I put it on the table then get stuff out of the fridge. I cut up vegetables. I put them in a bowl then sit it beside dad "thanks" dad says "no problem" i say back. I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it. "Hey" sam says "oh hey" i say back "i figured i should come by and say goodbye" sam says "what" i say confused "I'm moving to New York a year early" sam says "oh, well you better call me" i say back "don't worry i will" sam says "well I'm going to miss you" i say back "I'll miss you to" Sam says. She hugs me "good luck on getting your life together" sam says "shut up" i say back sam laughs. Sam looks across the road before kissing me "that's your farewell kiss" Sam says i laugh. Sam leaves and i go back to the kitchen. "You ok" dad asks "Sam's moving to New York" i say back. We talk about random stuff "go to my room and find the picture book that says concert" dad says. I go to dads room and look for the book. I find it and go back to the kitchen. I open it and see pictures of me and Sadie at different concerts thru out the years "you still have these pictures" i say "i would never get rid of them" dad says. I look thru the book then put it back. Me and dad make are plates then sit on the back porch. "Know what you want your first tattoo to be" dad asks "i want to get a cassette tape" i say back "I'll let my buddy know" dad says i smile "will do" i say back. We finish then go inside. Dad calls his friend and i go upstairs. I decided i wanted to look thru the attic. I unlock the door and go up the stairs. "I forget about the attic" i think. I make it up the stairs and turn the light on. I look around and see something covered up with a sheet. I pull off the sheet to find my drums "how the fuck did i forget about you" i say. I pull them to the middle of the room. I look for my sticks. I find them on top of a box. I grab them then sit down. I try to remember songs i would play. I remember some of a song. I try to play it "not as good as i was" i think. I look up and see dad. I jump and almost fall off my seat. "Lucifer!" i yell "not Lucifer just your father" dad says laughing. I cover my drums back up. I take my sticks with me. We go downstairs and i lock the door. "Get sleep for the shit show tomorrow" dad says "fine" i say back. I put my sticks in my room and grab my towel. I get in the shower. I finish and go back to my room. I put shorts and a shirt on. I put Sadies jacket on. I go downstairs and put my shoes on "you should be in bed" dad says "it's only 11:00 pm" i say back. I go on the porch and light a cigarette. I hear Billy's music in the distance. I watch him pull into his driveway "when the fuck is he ever out this late" i think. I watch him get out and slam his car door "nope staying out of this" i think. I Crouch down hoping he wouldn't see me. He looks at my house then goes inside. I stand up "i wish i could say that is rare to happen" i think. I finish my cigarette then go inside. I take my shoes off then go to the fridge. I grab a bottle of water. "Bed" dad says "why do you want me in bed so bad" i say back "i don't know" dad says "let me guess your having a lady over" i say back smiling "no, i just know how you are if you don't sleep" dad says "fine I'll go to bed, don't have to much fun with your lady friend" i say back walking upstairs "shut up" dad says i laugh. I go to my room and close the door. I sit down my water. I turn off the light and lay on my bed. I fall asleep. I wake up to knocking. I look around and see a hand on my window. I get up and unlock the window. I open it and billy crawls thru. Billy lays on the floor "hello" i say "hello there" billy says laughing "when do you laugh" i say back smiling. Billy gets up "I feel happy for some reason" billy says "interesting" i say back. Billy picks me up. I put my head on his shoulder "good night" i say closing my eyes "sleep is not good" billy says i open my eyes "why" i say back "because i want someone to talk to" billy says "ok then talk" i say back. We lay on my bed. I wrap my arm around billy "talk Hargrove" i say. I close my eyes and get comfortable. I listen to billy talk for a few minutes before i fall back asleep. I wake up and look around. Billy was gone. I look at my clock it says 1:48 pm. I get out of bed and find clothes. I get dressed then go downstairs. I look around and can't find anyone. I look out the window and see dads truck and another car in the driveway. I hear talking. I walk to the back door and see people on the porch. I open the door and walk onto the porch. I stand beside dad. I look at mom and her husband "how are you sweetheart" mom says "good till you called me that" i say back "I'll just call you glam then" mom says "names Dan" Dan says "glam" i say back shaking his hand "how are your powers" mom asks. I look at dad then mom "how the fuck do you know about them" i say back "I'm your mother why wouldn't i know" mom says i look at dad "you better have answers" i say "ok i told her about them because i figured she could help you" dad says "bastard" i say back. Mom holds my hands and turns them over so she could see my wrists. She slides her finger over my number. I take my hands back "hands off" i say. Mom puts her hands behind her back "be nice" dad says i flip him off "i can tell your a high school drop out" Dan says "keep your mouth shut" i say back. Mom slaps Dans arm he laughs. "How about just me and you go shopping" mom says "fine, but I'm driving" i say back Mom smiles. I roll my eyes and we go inside. I put my shoes on. We go to my car. We get in and i drive off. "So what kind of music do you like" mom asks. I take a cassette out of my door and put it in the radio. I turn the music up "this kind" i say back. I pass the mall "what happened there" mom asks "it caught on fire" i say back. I park in front of a clothing store. We get out and head inside. We go to the shirt section. I start looking thru the band tees. I didn't find anything i liked. I walk around the store. I find a jacket. I take it off the rack and look at it. "Reminds me of ash" i think. It was blue with different things stitched on it with different colors. I hold onto it and keep looking. I find mom "fine something" mom asks "yep" i say back. Mom found a light green dressed. We pay then go back to my car. We get in and i drive home. I park and see Billy's car. We get out and head inside. Dad was still talking to Dan. I walk up to dad "billy came by and asked where you were" dad says "that gives me a reason to crawl thru his window" i say back "yeah no i told him to come by when you got home" dad says. I go to my room and mom follows. "Sorry it's a mess" i say. Mom looks around my room. I put the jacket on my bed. Mom looks at all the pictures i have on the wall. "I know i take a shit ton of pictures" i say "i can see that" mom says. I grab my camera "mom" i say. Mom stands beside me. I put my arm around her and take a picture. I put my camera back "i can see where i get my awkwardness from" i say "glam I'm sorry for all the stuff i did" mom says "that's the first time I've ever got an apology from you" i say back "it's the first of many" mom says. Billy walks in "hey fucker" i say "hey" billy says "it's my mom you don't have to act good" i say back "oh" billy says "mom this is my boyfriend billy" i say mom smiles "billy this is my mom you've met her before" i say. Me and mom talk for a little bit. Mom and Dan leave. "Fuck me" i say "not right now" billy says "not literally" i say back billy laughs. We hang out then he leaves. I go to the kitchen to talk to dad "that Dan guy is a dick" i say "tell me about it i almost pushed him in front of a car after you left" dad says i laugh "good to know" i say back.

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