62. Glam

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Billy sits beside me "here" billy says handing me my gun "oh thanks" i say back. I put it back in my pocket. "I think it's safe for me to go home" i say "I'll walk over with you" billy says. We walk over and i look around. I see dads truck and my car in the driveway "everything seems the same" i think. We walk inside. The house was a mess. Some stuff was broken and there was drops of blood on the floor "shit" i say. I quickly start looking around the house for dad. I go into dads room. His books were all over the place. Some of the picture frames were broken. I run back to the kitchen "brenenr has my dad" i say "what" billy says "you get home and don't leave, I'm going to the lab even if it kills me" i say back "I'm going with you" billy says "billy nows not the time to fight with me, get home" i say back "you don't know what he's going to do to you" billy says "i don't care" i say back. I go to my room. Nothing looked like it was messed with. I change and put my stuff back in my pockets "you can't be serious" billy says "oh I'm serious mother fucker" i say back. I try to leave my room but billy blocks me "let me thru" i say "I'm not letting you leave" billy says "let me leave or i will jump out that window" i say back "it's locked" billy says "fine if this is how it's going to work I'll stay" i say back "thank you" billy says. Billy moves just enough that i can get passed him. I run passed him "sorry but my dad needs me!" i yell running down the stairs. Billy runs after me. I make it outside and run to my car. I get in and lock the doors. Billy runs up to me and knocks on the window. I put the window down a bit. "I love you, if i don't come back blame brenner" i say "glam don't" billy says "I'm sorry" i say back before pulling out of the driveway. I drive as fast as i could. I arrive at the lab. I park and look around. I didn't see any security. I make my way to the back door. I look at my paper and use the code to unlock the door. I make my way in trying not to make noise. I close the door behind me. I make my way down the halls. I hear yelling it sounded like dad. I take my gun out of my pocket and make my way to the yelling. I make it to a door. I look thru the window and see dad tied to a chair with blood on him. I look around the room and see Jamie on the ground with a worker standing over him. I watch brenner walk up to dad. Brenner was holding something. I look at the door handle and turn it "fucking locked" i think. I step back "this might hurt" i think. I run at the door. It didn't work. I try again doing it harder. The door swings open and Brenner turns to me. "Glam go!" dad yells. I look at Brenner "let him go" i say "if i cant have you then why should you have your dad" Brenner says "I'll make a deal with you, you let them go and i won't shot you" i say back Brenner laughs "I'm not dumb" Brenner says. I hear people running down the hall. "Since your powers don't work you have no choice six" brenner says "you don't know shit" i say back. The worker that was by Jamie walks over to Brenner. He stands behind brenner. I feel a sharp pain on the side of my neck. I fall to the ground. I pass out. I wake up in a room that didn't look familiar. I look around. I see a table in the corner of the room. It had all my stuff on it. I had hands cuffs on and My feet were tied to the chair "fucking asshole" i say. I see a camera in the corner. "Wait" i think. I feel in my back pocket and pull out my pocket knife "god they are idiots" i think. I cut the rope and take a pin out of my hair. I pick the lock on the hand cuffs then put my knife back in my pocket. I see a mirror on the wall. I look at myself. I had blood coming out of my nose "fuck it" i say. I grab my stuff then open the door. I look around "now to find dad and Jamie" i think. I make my way down the hall. I listen closely to see if i could hear anything. I pass a door. I step back and look thru the window. I see dad the same way i was. I open the door. "Glam thank god your ok" dad says "the fuck happened" i say back taking my knife out. I cut the rope "I'll tell you everything later" dad says. Dad gets up and i pick the lock on his hand cuffs. Dad hugs me "did he hurt you" dad says "i don't think so" i say back. Dad grabs his stuff and we leave the room. I follow behind dad. We see Jamie walking out of a room. We run up to him "we meet again" Jamie says "good thing i told you how to pick locks" i say back. We hear someone. We see Brenner walk around the corner "go" i say handing dad my car keys "be safe" dad says. I take a lighter out of my bag. Brenner gets closer to me. I light the lighter and drop it. I use my powers to make the flame bigger. I see mom walk up behind Brenner "lier!" i yell before running to the back door. I meet up with dad and Jamie. We get in my car and dad drives. "How long were we out" i say "about two days" Jaime says "how do you know" i say back "i woke up a few times and the one time a worker came in and i asked her" Jamie says. "Moms working for Brenner" i say "no surprise" dad says. We drop Jamie off then head home. We make it home. Dad parks and we get out. I see Billy's car in his driveway "I'll be back" i say "ok don't stay long" dad says. I give dad my bag. I walk over to Billy's. I knock on the door and Neil answers. "Hey Neil" i say "glam why are you here" Neil says "I'm not trying to start a fight I'm just here to talk to billy" i say back "fine" Neil says. Neil yells for billy but he didn't respond. Neil let's me inside. I walk to Billy's room. I open the door. I see billy asleep on his bed. I walk up to him. I could tell he was crying. I get on his bed and lay beside him. He opens his eyes "miss me fucker" i say he hugs me. "Are you ok" billy asks "yeah just a few bruises and small cuts" i say back. We stay like that for a few minutes. I kiss Billy's forehead "i love you" i say. He falls back asleep. I free myself of his embrace then leave his room. I wave at max and she waves back. Neil was watching tv. I wait for him to be looking at the tv. I quickly flip him off. Max try's not to laugh. I leave the house and go back home. I walk inside and see that the house was put back together. I see a note on the table "came by and cleaned up your shack, love Sadie". I put the note back then go to dads room.

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