33. June 27

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A few months had passed. Me and billy spent Halloween following around max and el. Neil got out of jail a few weeks before Christmas. Neil ain't as much as a dick to billy anymore. People are still on the look for hopper. Sam apologized for the fight. Clover finally let me alone. Me and dad spent most nights raising hell on the town. School was out and billy started working at the public pool. Billy turned 17. I got him a ring with my initials on it. Me and max started to hang out. I spent most of Christmas with Jamie and Nate. I wake up and look at my calendar. I see that it was my birthday "Finally 17" i think. I get out of bed. I put black shorts on and a white shirt. I tuck my shirt into my shorts and put my belt on. I put my necklace on and sleeveless jean jacket on. I brush my hair and put my boots on. I look at myself in the mirror before heading downstairs. I make it to the bottom of the stairs. "Happy birthday!" Dad yells jumping out from the corner. I jump and almost hit him "you trying to give me a heart attack" i say back Dad laughs and hugs me. We walk to the kitchen. Dad had it decorated. "I like it" i say looking around. I look at the counter and see a cake. It was light blue with jellyfish on it and had candles that said 17. Dad lights the candles "make a wish" dad says. I make my wish and blow out the candles. Dad hugs me "my raccoon is 17" dad says i laugh. Me and dad get a piece of cake. "Sam and most likely billy will be here later" dad says "fun" i say back "and we're going to the lake with family later" dad says "hell yeah" i say back. Me and dad put are plates in the sink. "Stay here" dad says before walking to his room. After a minute he comes back. He sits 3 boxes on the table. I grab one and open it. It had a necklace with a picture of me and billy on the roof "how the hell did you get this picture without us seeing you" i say "magic" dad says. I open another it had a led zeppelin shirt in it "it's like you knew i lost my old one" i say. I open the last on it had a cassette tape in it. I look at it "wait is this the one i made years ago then i first started to preform" i say "yep" dad says. I hug dad " i love them" i say. "I wasn't going to give this one to you but you can open it" dad says. He hands me a box that said from mom. It was a alien doll that mom made "she still remembers that i love aliens" i say "some how" dad says i laugh. I take my stuff to my room. I put the alien on my bed. I put my cassette with my others. I put the necklace on and put my shirt on. I walk downstairs and see that billy was here. "Happy birthday" billy says hugging me. I kiss him "thanks" i say back. Billy hands me a small box. I open it. It had a lighter that had 006 on one side then a sun on the other side engraved "i love it" i say "I'm glad" billy says before kissing me. Me and billy go on the porch and sit on the steps "the last few months went by fucking fast" i say "they did but at least i got to spend them with you" billy says "how's the pool job" i ask "fun i get to yell at dumb kids all day" billy says i laugh. Sam pulls into the driveway. She gets out of her car and runs up to me and hugs me "happy birthday bitch" Sam says. She hands me a bottle of vodka "you trying to get me drunk" i say laughing "maybe" she says. We go inside and billy talks to dad. "Where's eleven" Sam asks "she's with her friends" i say back. Billy walks into the kitchen. Billy leans against the counter beside me. Dad walks in with his camera. Sam and billy wrap their arm around me "smile" dad says. We smile and dad takes the picture. We do different poses and dad takes pictures. After 10 pictures dad goes to develop them. "You guys want to know something gross" i say they nod "billy the woman that my dad brought home that one day was clovers mom" i say "no way that's why they look alike" billy says "your dad most likely kissed her" sam says "oh shit i didn't think of that" i say back Billy fights laughing. "dad did you kiss that grace woman!" i yell "yeah why!"dad yells "just know you kissed clovers mom! i yell back "are you fucking serious!" Dad yells "yeah you might want to disinfect everything she touched!" i yell back. Billy started laughing uncontrollably and Sam started to laugh. I open the bottle that Sam gave me and take a sip. "I'm fucked" i say trying not to smile. Dad comes back with the pictures. He hands them to me "I'm going to clean my truck" dad says i laugh. I put the pictures on the table. "I'm going home before i get some clovers moms germs" Sam says. I hug her then she leaves. Billy finally quit laughing "fell better now" i say smiling "much better" billy says. Billy went home and me and dad started to get ready for the lake. I put my two piece on and put shorts and shirt back on. I pull my hair up into a bun. I grab my bag and put spare clothes in it. I walk downstairs and see dad waiting on me "you own shorts" i say "only pair i like" dad says. We get in his truck and dad drives to the lake. After 20 minutes we make it to the lake. Dad parks and we get out. I see Jamie and Nate. I run up to them and grab them. They scream "you guys scream like girls" i say. I see Sam swimming "want to get Sam" i say they nod. We run into the water and scare Sam. We swim for a little then my cousin Abby and her boyfriend zach came to hang out. Nate was determined to catch a fish with his hands "the fish is going to win" i say "no it won't" Nate says before diving underwater "5 rocks he won't catch it" i say looking at Jamie "bet" Jamie says. I look over and see dad with Sam's dad grilling. Some of the moms were sitting on chairs with beers. Nate comes back up with the fish in his hand "got it" Nate says "how the fuck" i say back "5 lake rocks" Jamie says. Nate walks to his dad. I dive underwater and grab 5 rocks. I come back up and hand them to Jamie. "Nice" Jamie says before getting out of the water. He sits them in his dads truck. I get out of the water and walk over to dad. "Having fun" dad asks "Nate caught a fucking fish with his hands" i say back dad laughs. I hear music blasting in the distance. "That sounds like Billy's music" i think. I watch the road and what do i see a blue Camaro. Billy parks then gets out "did you invite billy" i ask "maybe" dad says. I walk up to billy "can't get enough of me fucker" i say Billy kisses me "i figure i should see you again" billy says smiling. Billy had on shorts and a white shirt on "take that shirt off and I'll show you fun" i say back. Billy takes his shirt off and i hold his hand and take him into the water. "It's cold" billy says "you'll survive" i say back. We go in waist deep and Jamie comes back. "I bet you 1 rock that i can swim faster then you" Jamie says "bet" i say back. Me and Jamie swim farther out and Billy watches. We start swimming. I use my powers to make Jamie see a fish making him stop for a few seconds. I dive underwater and get ahead of him. After a few seconds i win "you owe me the best lake rock" i say "fine" Jamie says before going underwater. I swim back to billy. "Do you guys pay each other in rocks" billy asks "yep" i say back. Billy sees sam "wait you and Sam are related" billy says "nope, she's just always been family ever since we became friends" i say back. Me and billy float on are backs waiting on Jamie to get back. Jamie brings me my rock "nice" i say. I take the rock and put it into dads truck. Billy talks to Jamie and i go to dad. "How's your birthday" frank asks "the best one yet" i say back. An hour had passed and the sun was starting to set. Everyone sang happy birthday to me and we danced around to music that Nate played. Frank had all of us sit down and he put his beer can in the air. "I would like to ask the kids more like teens if they would like to have a old fashion sleep over at the big Farm house" frank says. Me Jamie Nate Sam Olivia and Macy all yell yeah. "Can i bring billy" i say "yes you can because Macy is bringing her girlfriend" frank says. "Hell yeah you get to know what the good side of my childhood was like" i say looking at billy. People pack up and head home. I drive dads truck home and billy follows us. I park and run inside. I pack clothes bathroom stuff blanket pillow and some of my cassette tapes. I get in the shower. I get out and change. I run downstairs and see dad "you excited" dad says laughing "very much!" I say back.

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