9. Fuck you

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I wake up on the floor "how the hell did i get on the floor" i think. I finally get up and head to the bathroom to get dressed. I put grey jeans on and a Led Zeppelin shirt on. I go downstairs to see dad on the porch so i put my shoes on and go outside. "morning" dad says "morning to you to" i say back "would you like the good or bad news first" dad asks "Bad" i say back "billy came by to see you but i told him you were still asleep" dad says "ok what's the good news" i ask "i went and flipped out on your school principal so he said you don't have to go back to school, so that means no homeschool or public school" Dad says "wait really" i say back "yep" dad says smiling. I've never been so happy in my life. Me and dad are sitting on the couch watching the news. The news lady shows a picture of a kid that escaped a lab. We hear a knock on the door i look outside the window to see billy at the door "I'll deal with him" dad says "nope it's my turn" i say back walking to the door. I open the door "oh hey your awake this time" billy says "yep" i say back remembering what i saw last night. "Want me to drive to the party tonight" billy asks "nope we can take separate cars because i don't plan on staying long" i say back "ok let me know if you change your mind" billy says "i will" i say back "we'll i better get going i have to take my step sister to her friends house" billy says before kissing me then walking back home. I close the door and walk back into the living room. "I want to throw up now" i say looking at dad. Dad starts laughing. I hang out with dad for a few hours. I look at the clock it says 6:12 pm. "I better go get dressed" i say. I run upstairs and start getting dressed i put my necklace rings and sunglasses on. I open my dresser and put my cigarettes and lighter in my pocket and put my gum in my pocket with my car keys and the picture. I head downstairs to dad "have fun if you need help call me" dad says "i will" i say back putting my boots on before heading out the door. I look at Billy's house and see his car all ready gone. I get in my car and start it. I pull out the driveway and turn on high way to hell by ac/dc and turn it full blast. After about 30 minutes of driving i see the house where the party is and i see Billy's car parked out front. It's all ready dark out. I park and get out locking my car. I walk up to Billy's car i open the drivers door thinking it would be locked but it wasn't. so i put the picture of him kissing the girl on the dash knowing he would see it when he would get in. I make it inside the house and walk to the kitchen to find the alcohol. I start drinking and a girl walks up to me. She has black hair light blue jean's on with a black shirt on and black boots. I realized it's my dad's friend mikes daughter clover. i haven't seen her in months. "Hey glam long time no see" clover says hugging me "same for you" i say back. She stands beside me drinking a beer "so what are you doing here" she asks "waiting for the perfect opportunity to ruin billy Hargrove for kissing another girl while dating me" i say back smiling "if you need help at any time I'll be here to fight a bitch" she says. Me and clover walk around trying to find billy and we see him walk out of a room with the same girl from last night. "Find a new bitch i see" i say walking up to them as clover follows behind me. Billy sees me and he freezes "forget i was coming fucker" i say. "It's not what it looks like i don't know her" billy says "sure then why were you kissing her last night, and probably fucked her" i say back walking closer to billy. Clover grabs the girl and throws her into a room and locks it. "Ok i kissed her but i didn't fuck her i swear" billy says "i don't believe you" i say back "Punch him" clover whispers into my ear. "Fine you win i believe you" i say looking billy in the eyes. Billy gos to hug me "get fucked"i say before punching billy in the face. Clover run's up and pushes billy so he falls to the ground. "What was that for!" billy yells laying on the floor. I walk up to him and Crouch down to him "for cheating on me" i say back. I go to the door that clover lock the girl in and unlock it and open it. Clover keeps billy from getting off the floor. The girl sees billy on the ground with blood on him "what did you do to him" the girl says starting to cry. "The same thing that's about to happen to you" i say punching her. By now a crowd has formed. Me and clover walk back to the kitchen and get more beer as we watched as Billy's friends get billy off the ground and clean him up and some of the other girls go and help the girl. "We make a good team" clover says "we do" i say back. It was 3:48 am "maybe we should head home" clover says "probably" i say back "will you drop me off at my house" clover asks "you can spend the night at my place if you want" i say back "ok" she says. Me and clover grab beers for the road. We walk past Billy's car. I see that he found the picture and shredded it. Me and clover make it to my car and put the empty beer cans in the back seat "ready to go home and see when billy makes it back" i say "hell yeah, tonight was a fun night we should do this more often" clover says before turning the music all the way up. We're about Half way home when we see a blue Camaro behind us "looks like billy got tired of the party" i say. I start driving faster but billy just gos as fast as us. I finally see my house so i slow down and pull into the driveway. Billy pulls into his driveway to. Billy gets out of his car the same time as us. Clover grabs the beer cans from the backseat and i lock the car. We start walking to the house when billy walks up to us. "What the fuck" billy says looking at me "what" i say back. "Why the fuck did you have to make sure everyone knows i kissed that girl" billy says "that's what happens when you fuck with the wrong person" i say back. Me and clover start walking to the porch. Billy grabs my wrist and try's to pull me to him. "Let go of me" i say trying to get Billy's grip off. My dad hears the noise and comes outside. Dad runs up to billy and gets him off me "keep your hands off my daughter" dad says "your daughters a fucking slut" billy says. Dad gets in Billy's face "you ever call her that again I'll fucking kill you" dad says. Dad walks back to me and clover. Clover sits the beer cans on the porch and looks at me. Me and clover walk up to billy. Clover stands beside me ready to break up a fight. "Don't ever fuck with me again, or you'll get punched again" i say "fuck you northwest" billy says before walking to his house. "Let's go to bed the suns going to rise soon" i say "hopefully he'll leave you alone" dad says "doubt it" i say back. we walk in the house. Dad locks the door and clover throws the cans away. "Me and clover are going to bed" i say. Me and clover go to my room. We keep the shirts we have on and put shorts on. We lay down in my bed. "This was an interesting night" she says "definitely" i say back "so what is he some new guy in town" she asks "yep" i say back "figure" she says. We lay there a catch up on life for a little bit.

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