68. Drunk idiot (smut)

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We hear dad pull out of the driveway "wonder where he's going" i say "well since your dads not home" billy says i smile "like i would turn down that opportunity" i say back. Billy kisses me. He gets up and gets undressed. I take my shorts and shirt off. I take my bra off and throw it on my desk. Billy gets on top of me. "If any time your body hurts tell me and I'll stop" he says i laugh "I'm not a bitch" i say back. He starts to slowly thrust into me. I moan as he starts going faster. He puts me onto of him. I feel myself getting closer. "I'm close" i moan. Billy goes faster. I arch my back as i cum. Billy cums after me. Billy let's me calm down. He holds onto my waist. "Just know you kinda got topped by a girl" i say "probably the only time you'll top me" billy says i laugh. I lay beside him. He kisses my body. We hear dad pull into the driveway. "I'm getting in the shower you can join if you want" i say "like i would say no" billy says. We quickly head to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and we get in. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Guess what" i say "I'm a good fucker" billy says "always, other then that, I'll be going back to school" i say back "what made you change your mind" billy asks "I'm only going back to do art class, the principal is allowing me because he knows that art is the only thing I'm good at when it comes to school" i say back "good, and i can show any new students that your mine" billy says "yes you can" i say back. We kiss "love you" i say "love you to" billy says "haha finally got you to say it back" i say back. We get out and go back to my room. We get dressed. Billy hands me a lit cigarette. I take in the smoke and wrap my arm around Billy's neck. I kiss him letting the smoke into his mouth. Billy blows out the smoke "that's new" billy says i laugh. "Heads up my dad wants to know if you would come to dinner next weekend" billy says "i feel like i should be concerned" i say back "i think he's just accepted the fact that we're together" billy says "i hope" i say back. We hear a crashing sound from downstairs "fuck" i say. I go downstairs and billy follows. Dad was getting off the living room floor. "Let me guess you were at the bar" i say "no I wasn't" dad says slurring his words "lier, come on" i say back. I grab dads arm and take him to his room. Dad knocked stuff over trying to walk "fuck sake" i think. Dad lays on his bed "go to sleep drunk fuck" i say. I close his door and pick up stuff he knocked over "sorry you had to see that" i say "it's ok" billy says. I pick up the picture frame dad knocked over in the living room. The glass broke as i picked it up. I look at the picture. It was me and ash sitting in a tree "my favorite picture fucking broke because of him" i think. I throw it in the corner "fuck it" i think. I go on the porch and billy follows. "Dose he do this a lot" billy asks "kinda, I've had to go to every bar in town and tell them not to serve him" i say back "then how did he get drunk" billy says "there's one bar in town that I've had to flip out on the bar tender many times" i say back. We go inside. I put my jacket on and grab my keys "want to come with" i ask "why not" billy says. We go to my car and get in. Billy turns music on and i drive to the bar. Billy looks at his watch "bars are open at one in the morning" billy says "this bar is the only one that stays open till three in the morning" i say back. We arrive and get out. "Who are you going to flip out on" billy asks "some slut" i say back. We go inside and i see the bar tender. I walk up to her "hey bitch" i say "what do you want northwest" she says "what did i say about serving my dad" i say back "i don't turn down getting a guy drunk" she says "like he would fuck you" i say back. She looks at billy "keep your slut eyes off of him" i say "he looked at me first" she says "fuck off" i say back "listen ki-" she says i cut her off "call me a kid and you'll never see yours like you ever do anyway" i say back "fuck you northwest" she says "I'm not a guy, plus if i was i wouldn't fuck you" i say back. She walks out from behind the bar and walks up to me. "Get out of my bar" she says "your not the owner" i say back "how would you know" she says "because I'm the owners niece" i say back "lier, you don't even know his name" she says "it's Bryan" i say back. She looks at me "aw the slut doesn't know what to say" i say "your just some high school dropout that thinks she knows what she's talking about" she says "at least i didn't get pregnant at 15" i say back "you don't know shit" she says "just to think this started because you got a guy drunk because you thought you would get dick, then you thought his kid wouldn't come and put you in your place, so fuck you and stay away from my dad, or I'll burn this place to the ground with your slut ass inside of it" i say back. She flips me off as she walks away. Me and billy go back to my car "holy shit you ain't afraid to speak your mind" billy says "tell me about it" i say back. I drive home. I park and see august sitting on the porch. We get out and walk up to her "back so soon" i say "Chloe is home and i got my hands on this" she says handing me an envelope. I sit down and open it. I read it "wait he's trying to build a lab in the upside down" i say "yep, he things it will help the kids powers" she says "fuck then he'll be closer to here" i say back "he's never going to stop" she says. "now what do we do" billy asks "i don't know anymore" i say back. "Do you know a seventeen" she asks "yeah Dylan" i say back "her dead body was found by a lake a few towns from here" she says "how do they know it was her" i say back "she had the tattoo" she says "maybe it was a joke, maybe Brenner's just trying to fuck with me" i say back "glam" billy says "she can't be dead" i say. I feel tears fall down my face. "I'm going to bed i can't take this night any longer" i say getting up. I go to my room. I turn off my light and lay on my bed. After a few minutes billy walks in. He lays beside me and wraps his arm around me.

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