18. Eleven

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Me and eleven stay at Sam's for a week. Sam's school started 3 days ago so which means Billy's school started. Sam comes home from school. "Me and eleven are heading home" i say "ok be safe" Sam says. Me and eleven get in my car. I start driving "later tonight I'll drop off more clothes for you" i say eleven smiles. We make it to hoppers cabin. I walk inside with eleven. "If brenner comes back call me" i say "okay" hopper says. I get in my car and drive home. I pull into the driveway and get out of my car. I look at Billy's house and see Billy's car. I walk across the road and knock on the door. After a few seconds billy answers the door. "Hey fucker" i say. Billy quickly hugs me "where were you I've been worried" billy says. I wrap my arms around billy neck "i was at Sam's place, and i was on the run" i say back laughing. Billy let's go but keeps his hands on my hips. "Is that why a guy in a suit knocked on the door the other day asking if i knew where you were" billy asks "most likely" i say back. Billy kisses me. I missed the feeling of him around me. "I should head home and see if my dad's going to yell at me or not" i say "ok if you need me call me" billy says. I walk back home and open the door. I walk inside and see dad on the couch. "I figured you were at the lab again" dad says getting up from the couch "well I'm not" i say back walking to the fridge "i hoped you were dead somewhere" dad says "you want to fucking die today" i say back closing the fridge "just saying" dad says. I walk over to dad and see white powder on his shirt and on his nose "your doing cocaine again" i say. Dad looks at his shirt and brushes it off "no" dad says "your just like mom" i say back "be happy I'm still here unlike your mom" dad says "fuck you" i say back walking up the stairs. I go to my room and close the door. I walk over to my dresser and grab some clothes that don't fit me. I put the clothes in a backpack. I put the bag on then head downstairs. Dad's passed out on the living room floor. I put my shoes on and go to my car and put the bag on the passenger seat. I start driving to hoppers cabin. I decide to stop at the grocery store. I park my car and head in the store. I remembered that eleven told me that she loves eggos. I go to the freezer section and grab 3 boxes of eggos. I go to the check out and pay. I walk back to my car and drive to hoppers. I park in front of the cabin. I grab the bag and eggos. I walk inside and see eleven watching tv and hopper in the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen "i got her eggos" i say "why" hopper asks "because she likes them" i say back. I open the freezer and put them in. I walk over to eleven "i got you more clothes" i say. I put the bag beside the tv "six" eleven says "yeah" i say back "do your powers work" eleven asks. I sit beside eleven and focus an object. I use my powers to grab a book from the book case then sit the book in front of eleven. I wipe the blood off my nose "i don't know you tell me" i say eleven smiles and laughs. "Well i should head home I'll see you tomorrow "I say hugging eleven. I walk to my car then get in. I start driving. I pull into my driveway and walk inside. I go to my room. I put pajama shorts and a random shirt i found on. I lay on my bed and fall asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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