54. Town

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I wake up to a door opening. I open my eyes and look at the door. I see billy with a towel wrapped around his waist. I roll onto my back "morning darling" billy says "morning" i say back "how are you feeling" billy asks "hungover as fuck" i say back "well you did down a bottle of vodka and a few beers" billy says "two bottles" i say back "want anything to help with your hungover" billy asks "no" i say back "you sure" billy says "yeah" i say back. "I'm going to murder Luke" i say "let's not go to jail" billy says "I'm going to do it" i say back "how would you even do it" billy asks "i have a gun and body hiding skills" i say back "and what if the cops find you" billy says "they won't" i say back "how about we just go meet him and go from there" billy says "fine we'll do it your way" i say back "thank you" billy says "I'm still bringing my gun" i say back. Billy gets dressed and i get out of bed. I put my clothes on. I use my powers to pick up my lighter on the floor but they don't work. I try again and fail "the fuck" i say "what" billy says. I try again but nothing "my powers ain't working" i say back "what do you mean" billy says "i tried to pick up my lighter but they don't work" i say back. I pick up my lighter. I light it and try to make the flame bigger. Still nothing "well this is great" i say "did that guy inject you with anything last night" billy asks "no, I'm going to have to call my mom or dad and see if one of them can figure this out" i say back "keep me updated i have to go to work" billy says "i will" i say back. We go outside. Billy gets in his car and i go home. I walk inside and see Sadie and el. "What's going on" i say "my powers are not working" el says "mines not working either" i say back "what are we going to do" Sadie asks "i don't know" i say back "papa" el says "what about him" i say back "he might know what's going on" el says "fuck him we can figure this out on are own" i say back. My nose starts to bleed. "Shit are you ok" Sadie asks. I look around the room "if one of you see something say something" i say. A few seconds pass and i see the figure. It was standing beside el. I pull el behind me. Sadie gets beside me "what is that thing" Sadie says "we can all see it" i say "yes" el says "yeah" Sadie says. It disappears. We run to my room. We get in and i lock the door. "What the fuck was that thing" Sadie says "the thing I've been seeing since ash died" i say back "I've never seen it before" el says "neither have i" Sadie says. "What do we all have in common" Sadie says. I think for a few seconds "death" i say back "what" el says "we have all lost someone" i say back "i didn't lose anyone" el says "you sure" i say back "i think" el says "wait glam you lost ash i lost my dad they both died in car accidents, el didn't lose anyone, some of the dots ain't connecting" Sadie says "you guys think this over I'm going to max's house" el says "ok" i say back. El leaves "we're fucked" Sadie says "no shit" i say back. I get in the shower to get the smell of alcohol off of me. I get dressed and go downstairs. I see mom and Sadie talking. Mom sees me and hugs me "is everything ok" mom asks "yeah for now" i say back. Mom looks at the side of my neck "what happened" mom asks "i don't know" i say back. I go to the bathroom and mom follows. I look in the mirror. I freeze seeing that the same black veins that dad and billy had are on the side of my neck. "No no no this can't be happening" i say. Sadie comes into the bathroom "the hell" Sadie says "call dad" i say back. Sadie goes back downstairs. Mom hugs me "i might have an idea" mom says "what is it" i say back "I'm taking you out of Hawkins for a few days, it has to be something in this town" mom says "i have to tell billy" i say back. I grab my bag and go downstairs. "Your dad is on the way" Sadie says "thank you" i say back. I head to my dirt bike. I put my helmet on. I drive to the pool. I park and take off my helmet. I make my way around back. I see billy smoking a cigarette in the shade. I make my way over the fence. "Hey" billy says "no time for small talk I'm leaving town for a few days" i say back "why" billy says. I show him my neck "the fuck is happening" billy says "my mom thinks it has something to do with this town" i say back "it would make sense" billy says "I'll love to talk to you more but i have to get home" i say back "ok stay safe" billy says. I kiss him then make my way over the fence. I get back on my bike and drive home. I make it home. I park and go inside. "Chloe called she said her powers ain't working either" Sadie says "that means that Dylan's ain't working either" i say back "Dylan" Sadie says confused "she's number seventeen" i say back "oh" Sadie says "who has all escaped from Brenner" mom asks "me el Dylan Chloe and another girl" i say back "what numbers" mom says "six eleven seventeen five and eight" i say back "ok seventeen being the highest and five being the lowest" mom says "Dylan in from group two that Brenner calls them" i say back "well then hers might still work" mom says. Someone knocks on the door. I open it and see josh "fuck off" i say closing the door. Josh stops the door. I reopen the door "what happened to Luke i haven't been able to find him" josh says "ask Sadie" i say back. Sadie walks up behind me "six feet in the ground" Sadie says. I close the door before he could say anything. I get a sharp pain in my head. Sadie holds onto me "you ok" Sadie asks "yeah" i say back. Mom makes some calls. Me and Sadie go to my room. I find my backpack. I start packing.

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