34. Farm house

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I hug dad then put my shoes on. I walk outside and see billy walking over. I walk up to him "hey i have to watch max tonight" billy says "oh ok I'll see you tomorrow after work" i say back. I kiss him then get in my car. I start driving. After 15 minutes i turn down the dirt road. I see the first house. I drive past it. I drive down a road that was lined with trees. I see the giant house "i missed this place" i think. I park beside Jamie's car. I grab my bag and get out. I look around and see the big pond in the field and the main barn. I walk inside and see everyone. I walk up to frank "hey" frank says "hi" i say back "did billy not come" frank says "he had to watch his step sister" i say back. Frank shows me my room. We walk past like 20 doors "how Many fucking bedrooms are there" i say "about 10" frank says "how the hell" i say back. Frank takes me to my room. It had a king bed and it's own bathroom "is this all real wood" i say looking around "yep" frank says "i always thought it was fake" i say back "nope all real" frank says. Frank leaves and i look around. The room was done up like a forest. I walk into the bathroom "i forgot how nice this place was" i think. I put my bag on the bed and make my way back downstairs. I walk downstairs the kitchen and living room were one big room. I walk into the kitchen "want one" Jamie says holding up two shot glasses "fuck yeah" i say back. Jamie pours rum into the glasses. We count to three then drink them. Jamie didn't like the taste. He ran to the sink and turned it on taking a drink "your a pussy" i say "how do you drink that" Jamie  says turning off the sink "easy" i say back. We walk outside and see everyone at the pond some were fishing. I take a cigarette out of my pocket and light it "cool lighter" Jamie says "thanks billy got it for me" i say back. We start walking to the pond "so how's being a Super powered child working out" Jamie asks "fun it helps me win games" i say back smiling "that's how you won the swimming contest fucker" Jamie says "yep" i say back before running "your not winning this time" Jamie says. Jamie Chases me. We start getting closer to the pond. I figured i would stop right at the edge of the pond. I keep running till i stop at pond. Jamie run's into the pond. I use my powers to stop him right before he would hit the water. "Looks like i won" i say. I put Jamie down on the ground "i think i lost 20 years off my life" Jamie says i laugh. I sit down with Sam "what we doing" i say "seeing who gets a fish first" Sam says "i say franks going to get one first" i say back. We watch for a few minutes "what time is it!" i yell "11:03!" Macy yells. Frank gets a fish first "told you" i say poking Sam. Me sam Jaime and Nate walk to the one barn that had hay bails in it. We walk inside and sit on the bails "remember how we would get high in here" Sam says "we almost burned the place down a few times" i say back. Nate gets to the top of the stack and lays down "comfy" i say "very" Nate says. "So glam what are all your powers" Jamie asks "well i can make things float, i can see what people are doing without having to be in the same room as them, i can make people see things that aren't there, and before i escaped i was being trained to float" i say back "that's a lot of stuff" Jamie says "you should try to float" Sam says "ok" i say back. I get down and stand in the middle of the floor and close my eyes. I use the way that brenner taught me. After a few minutes i hear sam say it's working. I open my eyes and look down "holy shit it worked" i say. "How do i get down" i say "you fall" Jamie says. Sam stands below me. I slowly let myself down. Sam holds my hands till i put my feet on the floor. Sam hugs me "that was really cool" sam says "thanks" i say back. We sit with Jamie. Me and Jamie talk about California since he was from there to. "How's Kate" Jamie asks "the same as she was when we were kids" i say back "what do you plan on doing after you turn 18" Jamie asks "move back home with billy" i say back "why not now" Jamie says "billy wants to finish school" i say back "listen i have a house in California that frank got me 2 years ago but no one lives there it's a few minutes from your old house, it's the big one that you always loved as a kid" Jamie says "wait you really got that house" i say back "yes and i want you to have it" Jamie says "i cant take that" i say back. Jamie throws me a key "yes you can and you will" Jamie says. I look at the key "your serious" i say back "100% serious" Jamie says. I hug him "your the best cousin how can i make this up to you" i say "come back a visit a few times a year" Jamie says "I'll visit nonstop" i say back. We talk for a few more minutes then frank comes in. "Hey kids" frank says "you don't have to act normal she's knows" Jamie says "thank god i hate acting" frank says "wait who's idea was this" i say "both" Jamie says "well it's 2:48 am I'm heading inside" frank says. We all say good night. Frank leaves and i put the key in my pocket. We walk outside and lay down in the one field and look at the stars. "I'm going to miss the sky here" i say "it's the only good thing out of this town" Nate says we laugh "your not wrong there" sam says. A few hours past and the sun was rising. We get up and Jamie picks up Nate which had fallen asleep. We walk inside "I'm taking Nate to bed" Jamie says. We walk upstairs and i go to my room. I change into pajama shorts and Billy's shirt. I walk back downstairs and see Jamie and Sam watching tv. I sit on the chair and Sam and Jamie sit on the couch. The sun was up "we all sleeping here" sam asks me and Jamie nod. We grab are blankets from upstairs and get comfy. "Good night bitches" i say "good morning" Jamie says "sleep well" Sam says. I throw a pillow at Jamie "it's still considered night" i say "yeah yeah whatever" Jamie says laughing. We fall asleep.

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