3. Hair dye

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I help dad get the bags out of the back seat. "I got you your hair dye and snacks" dad says. i help bring in the bags and sit them on the kitchen table "so i talked to Billy's step mom at the store" dad says "Cool" i say back while digging through the bags to find my stuff. "I asked her if all of them would like to come over for dinner on Saturday and she agreed" dad says "while we're on the subject of Billy i agreed to go to a party with him tomorrow night he's picking me up at 7:45" i say. "Ok if you both get drunk call me i will pick you guys up" dad says "I know Billy will probably drink i might" i say back. i finally find my stuff in the bags "I'm going upstairs" i say "ok" dad says. I head into the bathroom with the hair dye fighting to part my curly hair. I finally get it parted and put one side into a bun. I start to put the dye in my hair. Dad knocks on the door "come in!" i yell. Dad comes in and sits on the bathtub "i hate how much i look like mom. I hate that every time I look in the mirror all i can see is her" i say "how do you remember what she looks like" dad asks "i still have that picture of all of us on the beach in California" i say back. I take out the bun and start on the other side. "Just know your mom wasn't a good person" dad says standing up and walking up beside me. I give him a confused look "your mom used drugs, I can't remember how many times she would leave you at random drug dealer houses, all the times i had to figure out what dealers house you were at when I got home from work, That's why I'm so protective of you now" dad says "so that's why she was passed out on the couch all the time and never could remember where she was" i say back "Pretty much" dad says. i finally finished putting the hair dye in "I'll be in my room if you need me" i say walking to my room. i close the door behind me. I sit at my desk looking around my room for ideas to draw. i look at my bed and see a note i get up and grab it and open it and read it "call me (phone number) Billy". I smile "fucking Hargrove" i think to myself. I put the note in my bedside table. I look at the time and 45 minutes have passed. i figured i should wash my hair out. I head back to the bathroom and get in the shower. I get out then get dressed and head downstairs to see what dad was up to. Dad sees me walk into the living room "your hair looks much better" dad says "Thanks" i say back. We watched tv for a few hours. We must've fell asleep because i wake up on the couch and dad on his chair. I look at the time it was 3:56 am. "I should head to bed" I think. I head up stairs into my room i get ready to lay down and i hear a knock on my window. I look out the window and see Hargrove. I open the window and let him in. "What the hell happed to you" i ask "it's nothing" billy says "I'm not believing that" i say back. i sit him on my bed "stay here I'll be right back" i say before quickly going to the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit. I go back to my bedroom and sit down on my bed "look at me" i say. Billy looks at me he looks like he had been punched. he had a bloody nose his lip was swollen and he had blood running down the side of his face. I clean up the blood. "This might hurt" i say as i put rubbing alcohol on a rag and put it on the cut on the side of his face "that hurts" billy says "told you" i say back. I put away the first aid kit. "who did this to you" i ask "my dad" billy says "he seems like a bitch" i say back. He laughs "why are you so nice to me you've only known me for a day" billy asks "because you were nice to me and we have some stuff in common, and your the only person in this shit town I'm willing to talk to" i say back "that's good to know most girls just want sex from me then they ditch me" billy says. I look out the window and see the sun rising. "Want to watch the sun rise on the roof and talk more" i ask "sure" billy says. We head out the window and make are way to the roof. the sun rise was amazing. I look over at Billy the sunlight hitting his face perfectly. "Why is this boy so hot" I think. Me and Billy talked for about 2 hours on the roof. "SHIT!" Billy yells "what" i ask confused "i just remember the party's tonight, And my clothes are at my house and my dad doesn't have work today" Billy says panicking "i can get my dad to distract your dad and we can sneak in and get your stuff and run back here" i say back "that might work" billy says. We head back to my room "i have a shirt that will fit you" i say. i open my dresser i grab a black shirt and hand it to Billy. "Turn around if you want" billy suggests i turn around and head back to my dresser and grab my dark gray jeans and my favorite motley Crue shirt and my denim jacket. "Done" billy says i turn back around to look at him "want a cigarette" i ask "yes" billy says. I grab my pack of cigarettes and lighter and hand them to him. He heads to my window "I'll tell you when to turn around" i say. I tuck my shirt into my jeans and put my belt on then roll up the bottom of my pants and put socks on. "You can turn around" i say Billy turns around and hands me my pack of cigarettes and lighter back. I put them back in my dresser "I'm going to go brush my teeth you can come with me" i say. He follows behind me. I brush my teeth and do my hair for the day "what time is it" i ask "10:13 am" billy says "Let's go wake up my dad" i say back. I run down the steps and slide into the kitchen Billy follows behind me. I see dad getting a cup of coffee "morning" dad says before seeing Billy behind me. He almost spits his coffee out "whys Billy here" dad asks "about that, his dads a bitch and punched him so i let him in and let him spend the night" i say back "and what did i say about letting guys in your room" dad says "shut up and help with my plan" i say back "continue" dad says "you just have to distract his dad so we can sneak thru his window" i say back "let me get dressed" dad says walking to his room. "That was easy" billy says "there's a lot you don't know about this family yet Hargrove" i say back smiling.

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