55. Choice

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I finish packing. I throw my bag on my bed. I hear a car. I look out my window and see dads truck. I watch dad walk into the house. Me and Sadie go downstairs. Dad hugs me. Dad sees mom "why is she here" dad whispers "good question" i whisper back. Dad walks up to mom "I'm getting my daughter out of this town for a little bit" mom says "not without my permission" dad says "she's my daughter i shouldn't have to ask you permission" mom says "you haven't seen her in years now all of a sudden you want to do stuff with her" dad says. I listen to them go back and forth for a few minutes. "Who's going to win" Sadie whispers "most likely dad" i whisper back. I look at the clock it says 5:27 pm. "How long has this been going" i say "about eight minutes" Sadie says "ok I'm stepping in" i say back. I get in between them. Mom pushes me out of the way. "Fuck you to" i think. I get in front of dad "enough!" i yell "stay out of this!" mom yells "don't yell at my kid!" dad yells. I get another sharp Pain in my head. I step back "again" i think. "I get to decide what's best for my daughter!" mom yells "you wanted nothing to do with her, her entire life!" dad yells "its my life not yours, i get to decide what the fuck i do!" i yell "your only 17 you don't know what you want to do!" mom yells "it's her choice!" dad yells "then i want to stay in town!" i yell. Dad looks at me "do you accept the risk" dad says I think for a few seconds "i accept the risk" i say back. Mom looks at me pissed and disappointed. "Fuck you" i say "I'm your mothe-" mom says i cut her off "you being my mother doesn't mean shit" i say back "what have you done to her" mom says "not Force her to do stuff she doesn't want to do" dad says "then it has to be that boy she's always with" mom says "not even close" i say back rolling my eyes. Mom looks at Sadie "don't look at me" Sadie says "this is your fault" mom says "you go somewhere I'll deal with her" dad whispers "bet I'll be back later" i whisper back. I grab my bag. Me and Sadie go outside "I'm going to a friends house see you later" Sadie says "ok" i say back. Sadie gets in her car and drives off. I sit in my car and looks thru my cassettes. I hear music. Billy pulls into his driveway. I hear yelling "she won't give up will she" i think. I hear footsteps. Someone knocks on my window. I look up and see billy "hey" i say "the hells going on" billy says "fight" i say back "that's new" billy says "get in" i say back. Billy gets in the passenger seat. I give up trying to find music. Billy puts a cassette in the radio. I pull out of the driveway and drive off. Billy turns the music up. He looks thru my car "have fun finding anything" i say. He looks at the backseat floor "how many cassettes do you own" billy says "i lost count" i say back "have you ever cleaned this car" billy says "twice" i say back. Billy opens the glove box. He looks thru it. He pulls out a stack of pictures. He looks thru them. I drive to the middle of the woods. I park "find something" i say looking at him "you were such a happy kid" billy says handing me the picture he was looking at. It was of me and mom in the yard of the old house "wasn't every kid" i say back "i guess" billy says. I hand him the picture and he puts the stack back. "You can't tell anyone" billy says. He takes out a picture that was folded out of his pocket. He hands it to me. I unfold it and look at it. It was billy and a woman with a surfboard in front of them. "It's my mom" billy says. I hold the picture up to him. I look at the picture then billy "you look like her twin" i say "thanks" billy says. I hand him the picture back and he puts it back in his pocket. "You look like your dads twin" billy says "i never used to" i say back. Billy looks at me confused "i dye my hair because my hairs the same color as hers, there's times where i catch myself acting like her to" i say "you don't act like her" billy says "i try hard not to act like her" i say back "no matter what you say you'll never be like her" billy says. We get out "are you going to murder me" billy says "nope" i say back. We walk around. I find a picnic table that had stuff written on it with spray paint. I stand on top of it "don't get hurt" billy says "i won't" i say back. He looks around "what are we doing here" billy asks "i come here when i get tired of home" i say back. Billy follows a rabbit around. I watch him for a few seconds. I jump off the table. I look around. Billy made his way back to me "lose the rabbit" i say "yeah" billy says. He sits at the table. I take off my shirt and sit beside billy "i never noticed your tattoo on your shoulder" billy says "i got it a few days ago" i say back. Billy looks at my hair "we have the same hair color almost" billy says "shit i have to dye it again" i say back. "Do you ever imagine us as parents" billy asks "once, then i got high to get rid of the Image" i say back "you would make a good mom" billy says i laugh "yeah no" i say back "what makes you think you wouldn't" billy says "i have a feeling that i would be like my mom" i say back "same, it's just i fear I'll be like my dad" billy says "you'll grow out of it" i say back "hopefully" billy says. "You doing anything next Friday a week from now" i ask "no why" billy says "I'm taking you to a concert, it's at a barn an hour away, i know the lead singer it's my dads old friends kid, the bands called flower child" i say back "I've never been to a concert" billy says "believe me you'll have a blast" i say back Billy smiles "you'll be in the mosh pit with me" i say "what's a mosh pit" billy asks "it's a surprise" i say back. Billy looks at his watch "we should head home" billy says "probably" i say back. I put my shirt on. We go to my car. I put a cassette from the band in the radio. I drive home. I park and we get out. "I'll see you later" billy says "I'll leave my window unlocked" i say back. Billy goes home. I go inside and see dad. "How did everything go" i ask "she throw a cutting bored at me" dad says i laugh "that's a new one" i say back. Dad looks at my neck "it looks like its disappearing" dad says "i hope" i say back "did you hear flower child in preforming" dad says "yep i already have plans to go with billy" i say back "I'll come with you guys" dad says "good I'm going to get billy in the mosh pit" i say back "your fucked" dad says "most likely" i say back.

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