15. Beach

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I wake up to sam beside me "have a nice nap" Sam asks "where's billy" i ask "he went to get in the shower" Sam says. I sit at the bottom of the bed and Sam sits beside me. I remember the note in my pocket "want to see the note i found in my old house" i ask pulling the note out of my pocket "sure" Sam says. I start reading the note "if your reading this i guess you came back home to find answers august-dad". "I swear to god if i see my old name one more time I'm going to kill someone" i say putting the note back in my pocket "well i better go see what clover and Kate are up to" Sam say before leaving the room. After about 10 minutes billy walks in with only a towel around his waist. "Your awake" billy says "yep" i say back laying down on the bed. "Here" billy says throwing a 2 piece black bathing suit on me "where the hell did you get this" i say looking at it "clover gave it to me for you" billy says. Billy starts getting dressed and i get off the bed and start getting undressed. I put the 2 piece on and look in the mirror "you look hot" billy says "thanks" i say back. I put black ripped shorts on over the bathing suit and put my sleeveless jean jacket on. Billy put swim shorts and a white shirt on. I put my lighter and cigarettes in my pocket and pull my hair in a ponytail. "Ready" billy asks "ready" i say back. We walk out of the room then to the kitchen. I see Kate wearing a yellow dress. Sam has her pink one piece on with a blue shirt over it and her light brown hair in braids. And clover with her white 2 piece on with nothing covering it. "Ready to go" Kate asks we all nod. Me and billy take my car and clover and Sam go with Kate in her car. We follow Kate to the beach. Me and billy light a cigarette and listen to music. After about 5 minutes we make it to the beach. we park beside Kate. Me and billy get out of the car. i take my shorts and jean jacket off and throw them to the back seat. Billy takes off his shirt and puts it on the seat. We all walk onto the beach me and billy head to the water and Kate clover and Sam find a spot to lay down on the sand. Billy holds my hand and we go about waist deep. The water felt amazing. "Like it" billy asks "yes" i say back smiling. Me and billy swim for a few minutes. Sam and clover come up behind us "hey love birds" clover says. We all hang out at the beach for a few hours. "We should head home" i say. Sam and clover drive home with kate. Me and billy get in my car. I start driving to my old house. I pull into the driveway to my old house "why are we here" billy asks "I'll be right back stay here" i say back. I walk to the back window of the house and open it. I crawl thru the window. It lead to my parents room. I walk to the bedside table and open it. It had a cassette tape that had august written on it. I grab it and crawl back thru the window. I make it back to my car and get in. "What's that" billy asks "something" i say back putting the tape in my radio. I turn the car volume up. I hear dads voice "hey august i hope your doing ok, sorry your childhood was shit, i just want you to know i love you august". "Was that your dad" billy asks "yeah" i say back taking the tape out and putting it in my door. I start driving to Kate's house. I pull into the driveway and see that Kate's car ain't in the driveway. "Guess they went to the store" billy says. "I want to go back to my dad" i say trying not to cry. "Why" billy asks "i don't know, everything here reminds me of my old life, seeing all of my moms pill bottles, all the beer bottles from my dad, i hate it" i say back starting to cry. "It's ok we can head back home tomorrow" billy say leaning over and hugging me. We stay like that for a minute "let's go inside" i say. Me and billy walk inside and to are room. I change into my jeans and Led Zeppelin shirt. Me and billy start packing. I take mine and Billy's bags to the car. Billy puts the box from under the bed in the trunk. Kate pulls into the driveway. Sam and clover get out of the car "why are your bags in the car" clover asks "because we're going home tomorrow morning" i say back. A few hours had past. Clover and Sam take their bags to the car. Me and billy lay down in bed "i can't wait to see my dad and hopper" i say "i can't wait to go back to party's" billy says "same" i say back. Me and billy fall asleep. We wake up at 7:00 am. Clover and sam are saying their good byes to Kate. Kate comes up to me and hugs me "i hope to see you again" Kate says "i hope to see you again to" i say back. Kate hugs billy and we walk out to my car and get in. Kate stands on the porch and waves as i pull out of the driveway. I wave back. After a few minutes of driving we see the sigh saying that we are leaving California.

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