26. This ends now

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I wake up and see that eleven is still asleep. I walk downstairs and make eggos for eleven. I go back upstairs and see that she is waking up. "Morning" i say. She gets out of bed and walks downstairs with me. She sits at the table and i hand her a plate with eggos. The door opens and Sam walk's in. "Shouldn't you be at school" i say "it's 2:58 pm" Sam says "it's that early" i say back "I'm going to punch you" Sam says "not in front of the children" i say back acting offended Sam laughs "how's the clover thing working out" i ask "she's still putting posters up everywhere" sam says sitting at the table. Eleven puts her plate in the sink and sits back down. "How about me you eleven billy my cousins Nate and Jamie go pay clover a visit" i suggest "are you trying to go to jail" sam says "well i did hear that there's going to be a party tonight a few minutes away" i say "how are we going to know clovers going to be there" sam asks "it's clover she wouldn't miss a party" i say back "ok fine but what about eleven" sam says. I look at eleven "you ready to go home" i ask she nods. "Ok I'm going to take her home I'll be back" i say. Me and eleven get in my car and i drive to hoppers. I park and eleven goes inside. I drive back home and see that Billy's home. I walk inside and see billy and Sam talking. "Your cousins are on their way" sam says i nod. Me and billy walk to my room. I close the door "are we really going to put an end to this" billy asks "hopefully" i say back. Me and billy sit on my bed and Sam walks in. "I have something i want to try" i say. Sam sits on my bed and we get in a circle. We hold hands "close your eyes" i say. After a few seconds I'm in the void. "Where the fuck are we" billy says "we're in blackness you idiot" Sam says "eleven taught me this, give it a few seconds" i say walking around. We walk around and see clover and Steve "for fuck sake" i say billy laughs. They fade away. I look around and see Kate. I walk up to her "hey Kate" i say. Kate turns around. Kate looked like she was dead. Then the vines took over her body. "That's not Kate" i think. "I think it's time to leave" Sam says. I hear someone yell my name. I turn around and see ash. We run to each other. "I finally found you" ash says hugging me. Ash sees Sam and billy. She hugs Sam and looks at billy. "Who's this douche bag" ash says "that's my boyfriend billy" i say back wrapping my arm around her neck. Billy waves to her. She flips billy off. "Well we should go" i say. We open are eyes. "That was fucking weird" billy says "yep" i say back. "I'm going home I'll see you guys tonight" sam says. Sam leaves and billy heads home to get dressed. I look thru my dresser trying to find clothes. I find clothes and change. I put black jeans on and a white shirt. I put my hair in a bun and put jewelry on. Billy walks in my room. He's wearing blue jeans and a red button up shirt. "Ready" billy asks "yep" i say back putting my jacket on. We get in his car. Billy starts driving. It was already dark out. Billy parks and i see sam talking to Jamie and Nate. Me and billy light cigarettes and walk up to them. "Why am i the oldest out of all of us" Jamie asks "i don't know maybe don't be 20" i say back "i don't even know how old you guys are" Jamie says "well me sam and billy are 16 and Nate's 15" i say back. We all walk inside and go are own ways. Me and Nate go to the kitchen, billy goes to his friends. Sam and Jamie try to find clover. Me and Nate see clover with Steve "go find the others" i say. I watch clover and Steve. After a few minutes Nate comes back with the others. Clover sees me and walks up with Steve. "Look who's here" clover says. I walk up to clover and hand my pocket knife to billy. "Let's settled this once and for all" i say Smiling "Fine" clover says. Nate throws a rock at her to get her attention. I punch clover and Steve catchers her. "Leave her alone" Steve says. Billy steps closer to me. Steve let's go of clover and she try's to hit me but she misses. Sam laughs. Steve gets in my face. Billy try's to step in but i stop him. Jamie grabs Steve and pushes him into a wall. I look at Sam she's nods and holds onto Nate. I use my powers to make clover float. "Your a freak" clover says. Billy holds onto my hand. I get in clovers face "you did this to yourself" i say before throwing her into a wall. Steve grabs me and throws me onto the floor. Steve try's to hit me but i stop his fist. Billy gets Steve off of me and punches him. People run to help clover who was getting off the floor. Billy helps me off the floor "you ok" billy asks "yep" i say back. Everyone was distracted helping clover and Steve so we all leave. We get in are cars. Billy drives home. He parks and we get out. "Staying over since tomorrow's Saturday" i ask "you know it" billy says smiling. We head inside. "I'm getting in the shower" i say "I'll get in to" billy says. We head to the bathroom. We get undressed then get in the shower. After a few minutes billy gets out and i rinse my hair out. Billy went to my room and i get out of the shower. I brush my hair and wrap a towel around my body. I walk to my room and see that billy had put his jeans back on "billy i have clothes for you" i say. I throw sweatpants at him. I put shorts and a shirt on. I turn around and see billy drying his hair. I light a cigarette. Billy puts the towel on the back of my chair "can i have my knife back" i ask "yeah" billy says before grabbing his jeans and taking my knife out of his pocket. He hands it to me and i put it on my bedside table. I look at my clock it was 3:23 am. I put out my cigarette and lay on my bed. Billy turns off the light and lay's with me. "We should have sex again soon" i say Billy laughs "definitely" he says. After a few minutes we fall asleep.

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