20. School

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I wake up to my alarm. it was 10:00 am. I turn off my alarm and get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower. After 15 minutes i get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and brush my hair and teeth. I walk to my room and get dressed. I put a white shirt and black ripped jeans on. I tuck my shirt into my jeans and put my belt on. I leave my hair down and put my rings and necklace on. I grab my black sleeveless jean jacket and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab a water bottle. Dad walks out of his room and walks to the kitchen. "Morning" dad says "morning to you to" i say back putting bread in the toaster "listen I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately" Dad says. I turn around to look at dad. Dad looks like a mess. I look at the side of his neck and see a black line. "What's that" i say. Dad puts his hand on his neck "i don't know i found it last night" dad says "you might want to keep an eye on that" i say back. I grab my toast and put my shoes on "be back soon and be prepared for the cops to show up" I say before closing the door. I get in my car and start driving to the high school. After 20 minutes i make it to the school. I find a parking spot and park. I get out of my car and put my jacket on. I see some people at their cars so that's how i knew it was lunch. I start walking to the building. A group of girls watch me. I can hear them talking to each other. I walk inside the building. Some people were getting stuff out of their lockers. I walk pass my old locker which people drew all over it. I make it to the doors to the cafeteria. I open the door and look around the room. I spot sam and walk over to her "hey" i say standing beside her "hey glam" sam says "have you seen clover" i ask "yep" she says pointing to billy with his friends. I see clover with her arm around Billy's arm. "Be back" i say. I start walking over to clover. Sam follows behind me. "Hands off bitch" i say. Clover looks at me and takes her arm away from billy. "So i hear you want to start rumors" i say. Most of the people in the room look to see what's going on. "I would never" clover says "then why do people think i fucked Steve and that billy is dating you" i say back "i never did any of that" clover says "you did" Sam says. Clover looks at Sam pissed. "And how about you keep your hands off my man" i say getting closer to clover. Clover try's to swing at me. I push clover on the floor and stand over her. "You fucked with the wrong person" i say. By now the room started chanting. I walk over to billy and he wraps his arm around my waist. Clover gets off the floor "i can see why your mom left you" clover says "how so" i say back "because your a little bitch" clover says i laugh "really is that all you could come up with" i say back. I walk up to clover. "You think just because your dating billy you are something" clover says "i had a reputation here before dating billy" i say back "must suck having a drug addiction and a raging alcoholic for a dad" clover says "shut up" i say back "aw can't you stand people knowing what your family's like" clover says "at least i talk to my family" i say back "ash would hate how your talking to me" clover says "keep her name out of your mouth" i say back "or what" clover says. I punch clover making her step back. I turn around to billy. "I'm going to head home see you when you get home" i say before kissing billy and walking out of the room. I start walking down the halls and see clovers locker. I remembered the marker i keep on me at all times. I take out the Marker and start writing on her locker. I write "i slept with almost every guy here, going for number 32 call me (clovers phone number)". I put the marker back in my pocket and walk to my car. I get in and start it. I drive home. I pull into the driveway. I get out of my car and lock it. I walk inside and see dad at the table reading the newspaper. "Find anything interesting" i ask taking my shoes off "nope" dad says. I go and sit on the couch. After a few minutes dad comes in and join's me. Me and dad watch tv for a bit. I look out the window and see that Billy's home. Dad turns the news on. I see a picture of clover on the ground with me standing over her. "The fuck did you do" dad says. "I'm guessing that it was byers that took the picture" I say back. Billy walks thru the front door "did you see that your on the news" billy says "sure did" i say back. Dad gets up and walks outside and into his truck. "That was weird" billy says "he's been acting weird" i say back. Me and billy go to my room. "That was cool what you did" billy says "which thing punching clover or the locker" i say back "both" billy says. Billy stays at the house for a few hours. "Im going to head home" billy says "ok see you tomorrow" i say back. I watch billy walk home. I close my door and grab a shirt. I wrap in around my head so it covers my eyes. After a few minutes I'm back in the void. I look around and see dad. I walk up to him. "Dad" i say. Dad turns around. His body was covered with black Veins. "Save me from him" dad says "from who" i ask confused "him" dad says pointing behind me. I turn around and see a huge creature. I freeze remembering what eleven told me about this creature. I turn back around to dad. "I don't know how to" i say. Dad  fades away. I look at the monster. It starts walking to me. I take the shirt off from my eyes. "Fuck" i think. I wipe the blood from my nose. "How am i going to stop this thing" i think.

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