28. Hawkins

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I wake up it was 5:28 am. Billy finally let go of me. I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake him. I grab my bat from behind my door. I walk to the bathroom. I sit on the counter and hold the bat ready to hit anything. I try to think of how to find the gate. "Eleven might be able to help" i think. I get off the counter and make my way downstairs. I turn on all the lights and call hoppers phone number. It rings a few times before someone picks up the phone. "Hello this is hopper" hopper says "it's glam i need eleven for a few hours" i say back "why" hopper asks "i need her help to find the gate" i say back "it's probably in the giant hole in the ground at the pumpkin patch" hopper says "maybe, you and eleven meet me there" i say back "ok see you soon" hopper says before hanging up. I turn around to look at the stairs and see billy walking down them. I put my bat down. "Why do you have a bat" billy asks "I'll tell you later but right now you have to get dressed and go somewhere with me" i say back "i have school today" billy says "fuck school your with me today" i say back. We go to my room. We get dressed. I grab my bag and put my gun, pocket knife, and a back up lighter in it. "Why do you need all that" billy asks "you'll see when we get there" i say back. I put my jacket on and billy puts his denim jacket on. We go downstairs and we put are shoes on. I grab my bat and we head to my car. I put my bag and bat in the back seat. We get in and i drive to the pumpkin patch. The sun was starting to rise. I see hoppers cop car and park beside it. We get out and i grab my stuff from the backseat. I see hopper and eleven standing by the hole. We walk up to them. "Hey" i say eleven hugs me. "Ok if i tell you guys to run you get out of here and don't look back" i say Billy and hopper nod. I hand hopper my gun and billy my knife. We go in the hole and start walking thru it. I keep eleven behind me. Billy walks beside me. I hear something ahead of us. We stop when a dog like creature comes out of the darkness. I take my lighter out of my pocket and light it. I slowly walk to the creature. Hopper comes up beside me and shots it. I put my lighter back in my pocket. "What is that thing" billy asks "demogorgon" eleven says. We keep walking. We come to a hole with vines around it on the side of the tunnel. "Who wants to put their hand it" i say looking behind me. Everyone shakes their head no. "Fine" i say. I use my bat to make my way thru the hole. I walk thru and it brought me thru a tree. I look around and everything looked like it was covered in snow. Eleven came thru then billy then hopper. We walk around "what is this place" billy says "i call it the upside down" i say back "but it looks like Hawkins" billy says "it's like if Hawkins and hell had a kid " i say back. We hear something. Two creatures come out of the fog. They separate me from the others. A third comes out. The one was Focus on me and the other two were after the others. I hold onto my bat ready to swing. It opens its mouth and i swing. I hit it making it step back. I grab my lighter and light it. I walk up to it. It runs off. Eleven steps back tripping on a stump behind her. Hopper try's to help eleven up but the creature stops him. "Billy lighter!" i yell. Billy takes out his lighter and holds it up to the creature. Hopper shots the one but it doesn't do a lot. I throw my bat and hit the one that was after eleven. It turns around and starts walking to me. Eleven gets up and hopper try's to shot the creature again but he was out of bullets. The creatures hear something in the distance and run off. "Run!" i yell. I grab elevens hand and my bat. Billy and hopper follow behind us. We run back to the entrance. It had closed. We run till we make it to town. We stop in the middle of the road. "Now what" hopper says "i know another way, There should still be a gate in the woods behind the trailer park" i say back "how do you know if there is or not" billy says "because i opened one there a few years ago" i say back. We make are way to the trailer park. We walk into the woods. I hold Billy's hand and hopper keeps eleven close to him. We make it to a giant tree in the middle of the woods "here" i say. I walk thru and look around "it leads back to the tunnel" i think. The others come thru "we're just going to run out of here" i say. I grab Billy's hand and hopper holds eleven hand. "Ready, set, go!" i yell. We start running thru trying not to trip. We make it to the surface. I see mine and hoppers cars. "Hey my watch reset" billy says "yeah there is no such thing as time there" i say back. The sun was starting to set "how fucking long were we in there" I think looking at the sunset. I put my bag in my car. Hopper and eleven went home. Me and billy lay on top of my car. "That was fucking weird" billy says "it just gets weirder each day" i say back. We get in my car. I let billy drive home. I clean off my bat. Billy pulls into the driveway. I grab my stuff and we go inside. I put my bag and bat on the table. We walk into the kitchen. Billy leans against the counter. I stand in front of him and put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me. I look up and look at the living room. I see the figure "please tell me you see it to" i say stepping back "see what" billy asks "the figure" i say back. Billy shakes his head no. The figure walks up to me. I grab my bat. "What's wrong" billy asks "be ready to duck" i say back The creature uses its claw to lift my head up. "You can't escape me" he says "yes i can" i say back. He tilts its head to the side "no matter how hard you try you won't win" he says. Everything goes black. I open my eyes to see billy getting me off the floor. I wipe the blood from my nose. "I have an idea" billy says. He takes me to my room "stay here" billy says before walking back downstairs. I look at the clock it was 12:47 am. I put pajama shorts on and the same shirt i had on last night. I sit on my bed and billy comes back with salt. "Salt really" i say "it might work" billy says. He puts it in front of the door and windows. He puts the thing of salt on my desk. He changes and i walk to my dresser. I open the bottom drawer. I find my sleeping pills. I take two out and take them. "What did you just take" billy says "sleeping pills" i say back getting on my bed. I lay down and billy lay's with me. "If you see anything wake me up" billy says "ok" i say back. Billy fall's asleep. I do one more look around to make sure nothing was there. I lay back down and fall asleep.

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