{6} Love of my Life | Sep 21, 2022

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TW: Suicide, death and swearing


I scrolled through my phone as I walked into my bedroom. I just finished my shift at Starbucks, and now I want nothing more than to take a shower and go to bed. Though, my face immediately lit up when I saw I got a call from Kathleen, my best friend.

She and I have known each other since literally primary school, and now we are in our early twenties. After years of being friends, I've started developing feelings. Feelings that I've never thought I would have with girls. Feelings I never thought I would have with Kathleen. Though, I was too scared to say anything, not wanting to ruin our friendship.

"Hey." I greeted her, after answering the call, with a warm smile on my face, though all I got in response was a heavy, shaky breath. "Kath? What's wrong?" I quizzed, worry washing over me as my whole demeanour changed. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice, Giselle." My full name. She never says my full name.

"Kath, tell me what is wrong, right now." I demanded, but all I heard from the phone was a breathy laugh. "Y'know, you always held a special place in my heart. And for all of these years, I've been trying to convince myself that I loved you as a sister. But what's the point anymore?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, all kinds of emotions rushing through my veins as confusion clouded my brain. "What-- what are you saying?" I asked, but I knew exactly what she was talking about. "I'm saying that I love you, Elle. I have loved you ever since I discovered what love is. You were always the one. And you will always be the one for me. But that won't be the same for you."

Tears filled my brown eyes as I finally realised what she was saying. "Kath. Kathleen. No. No! You didn't--" She did. I knew it. I always knew she was going to at some point. But she can't now. Not when I'm just figuring my life out. Not when we've made so many plans. "I did. Look, I don't have much time left, okay. But listen to me--" I cut her off.

"No. No! You listen to me!" I exclaimed, my voice breaking as tears rolled down my tanned cheeks, my free hand running through my curly, brown hair. "Why would you do that? Why the fuck would you do it? You promised. You promised you would hold on! You promised. You promised me."

"I know, I know. And I'm so, so sorry. I just can't anymore. There is nothing out there for me anymore." I hated this. Why was her voice so calm? She was literally dying! "No, you're wrong! There is something out there for you. I am. Please, please just hold on. Hold on, for me, please. Just think about it. We'll be together, happier than ever. Maybe move in together. Become roommates. Feel love deeper than we ever thought we were capable."

I chuckled at the happy thoughts, and Kath did too. "Just hold on. I-- I'll call--" I tried to say. "No. Please, don't. If I'm gonna die, I want your voice to be the last I hear." I sobbed loudly, not being able to contain it anymore. I slid down my white bedroom door, the heavy tears dripping down my jaw and chin, landing on my carpeted floor.

"Y-- you're gonna get over me, okay? You're gonna find a nice guy, or girl. You're gonna move on. You're gonna be happy. You will find the love of your life. You will do all of the things we planned. And you will fall in love as if heartbreaks do not exist. And you will realise, you never really needed me." My muffled sobs were getting louder and louder. I cried without a care in the world.

"I will always need you," I croaked out, "Please don't leave me." I could almost feel the smile on Kathleen's face. "I will never leave you. I'll be there whenever you scroll through our photos. Or watch the videos of us when we were younger. I will always be in your heart." I nodded, even though she couldn't see it. I nodded, trying to convince myself that I will never lose her. The one person I can't lose.

"I love you, Giselle. More than anything in the world. You will forever be my first love. My last love. My only love. And you will forever be in my heart, even after it rots away. You will always be with me. Becoming friends with you was the best decision I have ever made. I love you."

And even if the last thing I wanted to do was smile, my lips curved up, even through the pain. "I love you too." I mumbled, knowing that if I don't say it now, I never will. "If we really were meant for each other, we will see each other again. I know it." And that was it. Those were the last words I've heard from Kathleen. My Kathleen. The love of my life.

861 words


This is how I wanted that one girl to react if I ever did commit. I was never actually friends with her, we never actually talked, but I couldn't help being completely mesmerised by her and came up with this.

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