{78} Alone | Dec 25, 2022

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I'm done talking. What are words for if no one gives them value?

I'm done feeling. What are emotions for if no one gives them meaning?

My words and emotions have been ignored and neglected, and I'm done showing them.

She didn't just have a bad husband, I had a bad father. She didn't just have the man she loved walk out of her life, I had the man I looked up to-- the greatest man I've ever known... leave me.

The pains of the love of your life leaving will definitely sting, but my agony of losing a parent somehow means nothing.

I guess that's just what I am-- nothing, nothing, nothing. I'm unimportant and my life is meaningless.

And there he goes, in and out of my life. In and out, in and out, in and out, IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT, IN... and out, for the last time; and never coming back.

What did I do to deserve this? Was I just a stupid fool for letting him come back? Am I a stupid fool for continuously letting him manipulate me? Letting her manipulate me into still loving him?

I've wasted these tears on a man who couldn't even care enough to stay, and I'm done shedding them. He doesn't deserve my love and she doesn't deserve my words.

I'm better off alone, with myself and my thoughts; everyone would be better-- and so would I.

243 words


It was Christmas. My dad lashed out of the house after an argument with my mom and sister. My mom kept yelling at me about the whole situation I have with him, and when I tried to fight back she ignored my words. And here you get the backstory from that horrible day.

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