{114} Lie | Jun 10-12, 2023

16 3 0

A/n: I've been having the worst case off writer's block recently, so I've just been time-skipping everything. Also, you might've noticed that the past few stories has been gay, and it's just smth i wanted to do for pride month (and I've been absolutely binging gay shows and movies recently, though we don't talk abt that). Anddd this is like the first time I've ever wrote smut officially (meaning I've never posted them b4) so like be warned, it might just be bad. But nevertheless, ENJOYYY!!!


***Disclaimer - The characters are both over eighteen***


TW: Sexual activities and swearing


I sat in my armchair in my college dorm room as I watched Everett fumbling through his clothes.

"I have absolutely nothing to wear." He exclaimed, while I rolled my eyes once again. I love him, but sometimes he is just so insufferable.

"The outfit you're wearing now is fine." I spoke, letting out an exasperated sigh, though that only led to him glaring at me jokingly.

"Nope. Definitely not. I have to look absolutely perfect, Karson. I'm going to meet your parents for the first time-- I need to leave a good impression." Everett explained, leading to me chuckling under my breath.

My parents were holding a gathering that Saturday night, to show off their 'extraordinarily intelligent son'. Well, not me of course, my older brother, Jaden.

I really didn't want to go, since I didn't really have the best relationship with my parents. I've been ignored by them for practically my whole childhood; all of the attention went to my younger sister. And even when I do manage to do something worthy of being proud of, I would always be overshadowed by Jaden. I mean, struggles of being the middle child, am I right?

But Everett wanted to meet my parents-- and I'd do anything for that boy.

I stood up from the chair, walking up to my boyfriend. I set my two hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look up at me, saying, "You already look absolutely perfect."

The dark haired boy shook his head slightly, plastering a small smile on his face. "But I want to look even better for you," Everett then stated, going on his toes to peck my lips. "Plus, I want to thank you in some way, for telling your parents about this... about us. I know that it was hard for you."

I felt this sort of guilt cloud my head. I promised Everett months ago that I would finally come clean to my parents about being gay-- that he and I would no longer have to be a secret anymore; but I just couldn't find it in myself to tell them.

I might think I no longer care about my parents' opinions anymore, but a little part of me still wanted their approval. And if they ever find out that I'm gay, they might just never speak to me ever again.


I could feel the rain crashing down on me as I chased after the hazy figure that belonged to the boy I fell in love with. "Everett! Stop! Please!" I yelled out, the droplets of rain in my black hair blurring my vision.

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