{9} Chosen | Sep 24, 2022

8 2 0

Italics is flashbacks


TW: Swearing, mentions of death, child abuse and mentions of sex


The night sky was plain and dark, the moon mostly covered by foggy clouds. Though, the view of the city does somewhat make up for it. Alone, I sat on the roof of the apartment building my family and I lived in, holding a small chocolate cupcake with one single candle stuck in it, my legs dangling over the edge of the building while the midnight breeze blew through my black pixie hair.

"Yet another birthday I'm spending alone. They probably didn't even notice I'm about to be seventeen." I said, looking over to my silver watch. 3, 2, 1, 00:00. "Happy birthday to me." I sang under my breath, closing my eyes. "I wish somebody would just choose me." I muttered, before blowing the candle, the smoke of the fallen flame drifting away into the night.

Never in my life has someone chosen me first. I was always second best. Or third. Or fourth. Even last. Actually, sometimes I'm not even on the list. Never was I on the top. Never was I first. Not to the school. Not to my parents. Not to my sister. Not to anybody.

Fourth grade PE class. Possibly my least favourite class of them all. At least in other classes, teachers allowed me to work on projects alone. But PE? It's all about teamwork. Though, to my poor, little nine year old brain, always getting chosen last was quite normal. At least that's what everyone told me.

I stood next to Jessica, the popular girl, on the soccer field. I pulled my long, black hair into a ponytail, actually quite excited to play. "And we pick..." Bob, the team captain for one of the two teams started saying. "...Jessica." The blonde next to me had a wide smile on her face as she strided over to that team.

The coach, Ms. Jamie, walked over to me, a sympathetic smile spread onto her face. "Sorry honey, but all of the teams are full." She stated, putting a hand on my shoulder. Though, I still held onto my grin, even if I did feel left out. "That's fine. Watching would be just as fun." I stated, skipping over to the bleachers, sitting alone.

Oh, such an oblivious little girl. She knew nothing about how horrible those feelings are actually like.

"Hey Sam!" I said cheerily, skipping over to my thirteen year old sister, who sat on the living room sofa. "You said once I turned eleven you'll allow me to hang out with you. Soooo, can we?" I asked. "You're eleven?" Sam retorted, looking confused. "Yea! I turned yesterday. Did you forget?" I quizzed, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Uhm, of course not. Look, Karoline, I'm sorry. But I actually have to hang out with some friends today. Maybe some other time?" Samantha retorted, trying to sound as nice as possible. "Oh, ok. Well, another time works too!" I replied, cheerily skipping away to my room.

The 'some other time' never came. She was always too busy, whether it was with her friends, or homework. It's sad that I only found out two years ago that she never actually wanted to hang out with me. She must be so relieved to be in college right now. Away from her annoying, little sister

Science class. The only other subject I hate. Especially now in eighth grade when everything just gets so much harder. "Ok class, go pick your partners." Ms. Smith, our science teacher, said in a projected voice. Quickly, all of the students scurried away, partnering up with their friends, while I still sat alone at the back, my head on my hands as I waited for the teacher to notice how I was still alone.

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