{88} I'm Free | Jan 11, 2023

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TW: Blood, death, suicide, injuries, child abuse, killing and swearing


"睡吧, 睡吧," I softy sang, stroking the brunette hair of my baby brother. He could be five years old, he could be 10, but he'll always be my baby brother. "我亲爱的宝贝,"

I turned my head around, and as I slowly turned it back, I was in a different room, a hospital room. Sixteen year old him laid on the hospital bed, unconscious. "姐姐就在你的身旁." I finished singing, my voice low, quiet, wispy. Suddenly, the machine connected to him started beeping rapidly. "Nurse! Doctor!" I yelled out, worry filling my veins as alarm masked my face.

People ran in, trying to revive him. Then... four minutes and seventeen seconds later, the machine stopped. "No-- no-- no.. no, no; NO!" I repeated, gripping onto my short black hair.

I quickly turned around, seeing the all too familiar face of the man I called my father. "Look at that, Gabriel's dead. And who's fault is that?" He asked, a smug smile spread on his face.

My eyebrows were furrowed, my eyes squinted shut. My hands covered my ears, the fingers braided with the short strands of the hair on my head. "Shut up." He kept talking. "Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!"

His voices stopped, and when I reopened my eyes, I saw my sweet mother; her curly brunette hair hanging above her shoulders, her blue eyes soft as always, and her small smile, that always managed to calm me down, held onto her face.

"Mom," I quietly called out, while she came to hug me. I tightly wrapped my arms around her, enjoying the warmth, feeling her tears trickle onto my shoulder, and her breathing fanning my neck. The puffs of air stopped, her legs going weak, her arms drooping. She fell out of my hold, dropping to the ground.

"No-- no! Mom? Mom!" I started shaking her vigorously. "Mom? Wake up-- wake up!"

Then I heard the voice again, of my so-called father. "Look at her, dead as well. Too tired of you. Did you really think she had an accidental overdose? No-- it was because-- of.. you. You were too much of a shit daughter, and that led to her wanting to die, rather than live for you."

"This is all a nightmare, this is all a nightmare." I whispered to myself, screwing my eyes shut. "Oh but is it?" The man behind me asked. I shakily stood back up, glaring at him. Staring straight at his hazel eyes, seeing his buzzed black hair-- the features of the person I hate most in this world.

"You deserve all of this. You deserve losing all of the people around you. And you sure as hell deserved the beatings I gave you." He threw a harsh punch across my cheek as I felt a bruise starting to grow and the blood oozing out; me falling to the ground.

"Just a nightmare, huh? All fake, really? Then doesn't this feel real?" I felt a sudden kick to my stomach, leading to me immediately going to hold it, a raspy groan escaping my lips. My eyes slowly fluttered close as I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness; and then-- my eyes snapped open.

I laid on an empty field with nothing but green grass. In front of me, a few feet away, was Minnie; the girl I called my best friend my whole life, the girl I could call my sister.

I immediately stood up, going to run to her, run into her open arms. Though, her smile dropped as a hole appeared on her forehead. Blood started coming out as she fell to the ground-- lifeless.. dead.

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