{98} Golden Hazel Eyes | Mar 20, 2023

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A/n: Pt. 2 for 'Emerald Green Eyes', I genuintly forgot to post it, but here it is bahaha, enjoyy!!


TW: Alcohol and swearing


I looked over to Kamila. She was perfect. Pixie cut hair, dark with a tint of blue. Dazzling hazel eyes, shining brighter than gold. Her skin was pale and freckled, which added on to her overall charm.

My head was spinning from the intense amount of alcohol I've had, but I just couldn't seem to take my eyes off her. I was so affected by her, even if I didn't want to admit it.

She was always there for me, unlike Chad ever was. Kamila listened, Kamila cared. I knew Chad never loved me, he was only ever with me for popularity, and attention. Kamila was the one who loved me, and she showed it.

I was just too stupid-- too ignorant to realise that Kamila was perfect for me, yet some small part of me was still saying that staying with Chad is the rational choice. It was what everybody was used to: the power couple, the highschool sweethearts, practically made for each other.

After a while, the dark haired girl realised my staring, and I could see the smile spread on her face falter away. And without a second thought, she dashed out of the house, leading to me following her straight out.


"Wait-- Kamila-- wait!" I yelled out after her, yet her striding still didn't stop. She eventually took a left, going into an alleyway. "Kamila!" I shouted out again. "Please wait-- please let me explain."

Finally, she stopped in her tracks, though didn't bother to turn around. I took a deep breath before starting to talk. "I was drunk, okay? Everything just happened so fast. And-- and one thing led to another-- and it just happened."

Eventually, Kamila turned around, her hazel eyes dark with fury. "It meant absolutely nothing, okay? Because I only want to be with you. I am in love with you. Not him." I finished expounding, but the look of anger never left the girls' face.

"Please, say something," I murmured, feeling tears well up my green eyes, though I refused to let them out.

"Someone who loves you wouldn't fuck someone else, drunk or not." Kamila muttered out, her voice raspy. I could feel a drop of rain fall onto my nose. Looking to the ground, I could see the rain pattering onto the small puddles.

"I'm sorry," was all I managed to mumble out. I didn't know what else to say. I knew what I did was wrong, but I also knew that I did truly love her. So that's all I managed to say; a quiet, meaningless apology.

I could hear her chuckled, a sad smile plastered on her face. She looked like she wanted to argue, to yell at me-- but she held it back with all of her might. "Y'know what, it's fine. It's all fine."

Kamila turned around, walking again. "So-- so are we good?" I don't know why I asked that. I knew we weren't- definitely not; but there was a small part of me that still held onto hope that she would forgive me for that wretched act.

I could hear the dark haired girl laugh-- and that laugh stirred some sort of fear inside of me. She turned around. "Are we good? Are we good!?" Kamila screamed, laughing again, but the wide grin disappeared in a flash as the outrage came back.

"No-- we're not. Absolutely fucking not. I thought we were in love. I thought I had found someone that was good for me at last. I thought that I had finally found something in my life that was actually fucking decent! But no! Of course not! Because Kamila doesn't deserve love-- Kamila deserves to be all alone while everyone hates her."

I couldn't manage to utter a single word as all I could do was shake my head. What she said wasn't true, because she deserved everything in the world, yet all she got was stabbed in the back; by me of all people.

"And that's why I hate you," There was venom laced in her voice, and that only increased the fear within me. Not fear of her hurting me, but fear of the doubt that only lurked in the deepest darkest part of my mind-- doubt of how Kamila truly felt for me.

"I hate you for being the one to kiss me first, yet act like it never happened. I hate you for getting me so hooked yet still be completely devoted to Clein," She started stepping closer to me.

"I hate you for promising you only love me, yet going and doing something like that. And most of all, I hate you for making me think I still had some purpose in life and decided to crush that dream-- just like that."

The rain wet our clothes and hair, like how the tears stained my skin. "I hate you." She said one last time, now towering over me, barely a few inches away.

Yet again, I shook my head, my vision blurry with the tears that glossed over my green eyes. "No you don't," I sobbed out. "You love me." My voice was shaky and quiet. "You hate what I did to you, but you still love me, and I know that. Because-- even if you don't want to admit it-- you are kind, you have a big heart, and you won't just stop loving someone like that."

Kamila scoffed, turning to walk away again, but I gripped tightly onto her arm. "And I know what I did was completely horrible, and I'm not asking you for forgiveness, not anymore. But please-- just promise me something--" I started saying, hearing the dark haired girl sigh, uttering a deep, "What?"

"You won't give up. You'll move on, you'll find someone. You won't live out your life alone and sad." I gulped. The thought of her being with someone else pained me, but it was for the best; I wasn't good for her, I would only hurt her.

"And you'll forget about me."

Kamila turned back one last time, her golden hazel eyes landing on mine; even at a time like this, I could still get butterflies. "Ok," She whispered, and started walking away again. And this time, I let her, as her figure disappeared into the foggy alleyway while I stood alone, tears and rain dripping off my face and feeling nothing but hollow.

1066 words


Funny story, I thought of this during a History test. I finished first and was bored out of my mind, so I started making up make scenarios. This originally was meant to be just some random scenario, but then I thought it could fit perfectly with the 'Emerald Green Eyes' story, which is how this piece was made.

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