{74} Second I'm Eighteen | Dec 5, 2022

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Italics is flashbacks


TW: Swearing and emotional abuse


Oh mother, I love you so much; but your drunken words have cut me deeper than a knife ever could, even if they are meaningless and empty.

You're nothing but a stupid brat-- a disgrace to the family.

No one's ever going to love you if you remain fat and ugly.

You and your father ruined my life. Well, your dad's not going to take you-- might as well put you up for adoption.

You're just like your father, narcissistic, careless-- feelingless.

Get out of my house!

Oh father, how I loved you so. You were my best friend, the one person I could trust. But after I found out what your words and actions truly meant, I could no longer look at you the same; as all I could feel was hatred.

You'll never get anywhere with shit writing like that.

You don't deserve my love.

I'm the most amazing father, you are lucky to have me.

Keep at it, you'll be alone forever.

You're the most horrible daughter, just wait and see what I'll do when you're an adult.

I have always wondered what I did wrong. Was I not born right? Did I do something that was forgotten by me? How have I wronged them? These are questions that keep me up at night, questions about why they hate me so much, and if I'm wrong to hate them back. I love my family-- I really do, but do they love me? Or will I be forgotten the second I'm eighteen?

254 words


Again, a shower inspiration. I've been told these things (in different languages and different words). I wanted to finally tell someone, and who better than strangers on the internet.

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