{34} A Part of Me | Oct 12, 2022

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Italics is letter and thoughts


Oh Bennett, oh my sweet Bennett. If only I knew where I will be today, I wouldn't have said no.

My heart clenches whenever I see you with her; every romantic gesture you make, every sweet comment you say, my heart breaks a little.

I still vividly remember that day, the sky painted in a rosy orange as the bask sun set under a shadowed hill. We happily ran through the grassy field, smiles spread on our pale faces.

"I love you" you muttered, and out of panic, I ignored the true feelings I had for you; pushing them deep down with a harsh, tear-filled "No".

I still regret that till this day; I still regret the dreadful pain I caused you. I wish I had said, "I love you too" or "You are the love of my life"; though I didn't.

What you do not know is the hole I felt in my heart every single day after what occurred that hour. I felt as if I would never feel joy ever again. Not if I'm not with you.

I wish you the best with her. I wish the two of you get married, have a bunch of kids, live together for as long as you both shall live; but I can't be a part of your life. Watching you replace the love you had for me with someone else caused my heart to be in pieces.

I know writing this letter now is selfish, I know that even after my gruesome rejection, I shouldn't continue to want you, to love you; but I simply can't help it. I have to move on.

So this is my goodbye. We might see each other again, we might not; but I know a little part of me will always belong to you, and a little part of you will always belong to me.

I hope you have a great life, even if it is without me.

Sincerely yours,

Kristina Allen

Tears in his hazel brown eyes, Bennett read the letter; a hand running through his curly, golden hair, his other hand harshly clutching the parchment that has the last written words Kristina ever wrote for him; his Kristina.

A part of you will always belong to me, Kristina-- he thought --and a part of me will always belong to you.

I have never stopped loving you.

395 words


The mention guy that dated another girl is the 'Bennett' in this story. At the end of the school year last year, he finally plucked up the courage to ask me out; he said he's been wanting to, but was too scared. I did like him back, but I panicked and said no. I've regretted that for the longest time; but I finally got over him a few weeks back. This story is actually also what I imagined Jo would've wrote in the letter for Laurie in 'Little Women'. (Except for the Bennett and Kristina, it would be Laurie and Jo.)

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