{58} Angry | Nov 15, 2022

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Have you ever been so mad that you could practically crash the whole world with your mind? So mad that all you wanted to do was shout and punch at everything that's in your path? Not caring about who you hurt with your words and actions?

Then, welcome to my life; because I feel like that everyday.

And I don't get angry by those usual things. People misunderstanding me, people taking my things, people being annoying. Sure, I get mad over that; but what really, really, makes me angry, is when all of these people leave me lonely.

Just think about it-- I helped them with their problems, I was their shoulder to lean on, I was who wiped their tears; but all I got was getting pushed away. And that makes me so, so, angry; knowing that I found them when they were shattered, picked up their pieces and put them back together, just to get myself to crash down into little shards of glass.

Every time, every single damn time, I would let someone in, get promised that they won't be like that; and every single time, they break the promise.

Why am I so stupid? For allowing all of these people into my life just for them to leave without a goodbye? Why do they do that? Why do they do that to me? What did I do? What's so wrong with me, that for some reason everyone wants to leave?

And now, as I stand alone while every one of these people are happy, I have to stay miserable and angry as I watch them move on.

271 words


I've always been an angry person. I've done the most cruel things to people whilst my angry haze, and I finally got to express that through a story.

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