{105} Blonde With Blue Eyes | Apr 6, 2023

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Looking in the mirror, I could only see failure.

In my phone and my dreams located all that I could be, while I'm just... me.

She's tall and skinny, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Confident in tight dress and with pretty boys.

Always smiling as everyone wanted to be in her pure glass skin-- but behind her crystal eyes trapped a neglected kid, staring at the hopeful girls as she wanted nothing more than to live that life of freedom and happiness while she is stuck seeing the beautiful sculpture through the mirror and feel no more than stone.

However, no one knows her true emotions-- no one cares.

"Why would you be sad? Wrapped around calls from hot boys and people that are jealous." They would wonder, "Stop frowning and show us that pretty smile of yours.

But when they finally find out the truth behind her crystal eyes, they can only utter, "I don't want to be you anymore."

They would finally look through the mirror and see what's enough, rather than what more they could be.

They would finally smile their true smiles as their hazelnut eyes would finally be proud. They wouldn't compare themselves to their phones and their dreams, as they can only compare to their shell-covered youth.

But that would never happen as tears of disappointment would wet their eyes of mud, staring at the blondes with blue eyes that are comfortable in their own skin-- while she stares back at them in awe, whispering, "I want to be you again."

258 words


Let's be honest, we've all been jealous of people at some point. I grew up being bullied with how I look, and how I was fat. I wanted to be the stereotypical 'beautiful' girl with blonde hair and blue eyes- but deep inside, they're hoping to escape the cycle of jealousy as well.

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