{97} Little Green Armchair | Mar 14, 2023

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Italics is thoughts


Karissa sat alone at the local coffee shop, reading yet another book as she just sat at her spot-- her little green armchair.

She could hear the pitter patter of the rain outside, being the background of the music she was listening to.

Despite being twenty-two, Karissa never really learned to branch out and make friends; she always prferred being alone. At this point, the closest friend she has is the barista, Morgan.

But then, the ringing bell coming from the front door seemed to have caught the brunette's attention. Walking in was the prettiest girl she has ever laid her eyes on.

Curly blonde hair that rested right above her shoulders. Blue eyes that were almost crystal-like. Rosy cheeks, contrasting her overall pale skin, with small speckles scattered here and there.

And then she smiled-- a smile that made Karissa feel so cheery yet so tense. And the worst part was that she was a complete stranger, yet Karissa felt herself getting so drawn to this mystery girl.

The blonde girl walked over to the counter, telling Morgan her order.

"Would you like to have it here or take-away?" Morgan quizzed, smiling at the girl. She looked around the cafe, looking for a free seat. And for a split second, her crystal blue eyes landed on Karissas', and she felt her heartbeat increase.

But then when the blonde girl looked away again-- the split second the felt like forever finishing-- she felt this bit of despair in her heart. That's how affected she was by this blonde beauty.

"Hmm," The blonde hummed, and for whatever reason, her voice sounded like music to her ears. Like a melody sung by the angels.

Karissa knew she was being dramatic-- but c'mon, she reads books, that's how writers are. Overly poetic with their compliments.

"I'm going to take-away. It seems quite full in here today." The blonde girl finished saying, her voice somewhat high-pitched.

Karrisa suddenly felt an urge she never felt before. "Uhm.. you could sit here if you want to. The seat is free." She stated, gesturing towards the armchair that stood on the opposite side of her little, round table.

The small smile on the blonde girl's face grew into a grin, and that only made the brunette girl's heart flutter. "That would be great. Thank you." The blonde girl stated, before going back to looking at Morgan.

"And what would your name be for the order?" The barista then requested. "Zaria." The blonde girl-- Zaria-- said, leading to her walking over to Karrisa's table.

The closer she got, the faster Karissa's breath become. Even if she has never met Zaria ever, it felt like she has known this girl her whole life. Her presence just felt so... calm-- so homely.

The blonde girl slowly sat down on the green armchair in front of Karissa's, setting down her little white purse on her lap while the brunette put her book away.

It was silent for a while, an awkward tension between them. And right then, all Karissa could think about was 'say something, don't ruin this for yourself.'

Never has Karissa thought that before. Usually, she would just let the quietude continue as she stayed focused on whatever she was doing. She didn't care if the people thought she was annoyingly quiet, or a buzz-kill for not having friends-- but she cared what Zaria thought; a random stranger girl that had so much effect on her.

"I really like your hair." Karissa blurted out, a little more rushed than she intended. And by the smile that grew on Zaria's face, she knew it was the right thing to say.

"Awh, thank you. I never leave it curly because people say it looks frizzy, but-- thank you." Her tone was soft, and if you really listened, you could hear the genuine happiness in her voice. And that happiness made Karissa happy.

"I think it's really pretty." The brunette murmured, a nervous chuckle slipping off the blonde girl's tongue.

"Well-- I really like your freckles." Zaria added on. Karissa never felt the need to smile. Life felt so dull and sad. What is there to smile about? But now, she couldn't stop that curve on her lips.

"I-- uhm-- thank you." The brunette then said, touching her freckled cheeks as if she could feel the dots that scattered there. "I never really liked them." She then muttered, starting to bite her nails. That's what she does when she's nervous. An awfully bad habit, but get's her through tough times.

"Why not, I think it's really cute." Zaria then complimented, Karissa blushing every so slightly.

"Coffee for Zaria?" She could hear Morgan call out from a distance. Zaria got up from her seat, going to get her drink.

Finally, Karissa had a moment to lay back and breathe. She couldn't explain what she was feeling, but all she knew was that she never wanted to stop talking to Zaria. She never wanted to stop looking at her. She was almost addicting.

And soulmates might not be real, but Karissa and Zaria almost could've been.

The only sort of relationship Karissa knows about is the ones in stories and books. And the realest thing she ever had only occurred in her head.

And who would've thought? Lonely little Karissa finally found love. And it all happened at the local coffee shop, in her spot-- her little green armchair.

905 words


I based this story off of a conversation the girl I like and I had. I wanted to finally talk to her. I mean, what's so great about liking someone if you can't even pluck up the confidence to even talk to them? The only thing I thought of say was that her hair looked good, and she said she like my freckles. And a coffee shop has always felt so homely, so I decided for the setting to be there.

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