{120} Friends | Aug 11, 2023

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A/n: I did not skip a whole month XD- anyways, this story was based off of this writing challenge i was doing: so you have to first take the first word u think of (mine is beach) and search it up on pinterest and base a story off of the eleventh photo (the photo above) and this is wat i came up wtih haha- ok wat ever, try and enjoyy!! thiss bahaha.


Friends: People who care about you in a sibling-like way, but aren't even related to you; or at least ones you can share a laugh with. Basically family-like beings that one day spawned into your life and you just can't seem to get rid of them; and honestly, you don't want to.

I remember having friends. Our favourite thing to do was go to the beach. We'd love to splash around in the water like little kids who can't even swim, build sand castles, then destroy them; relive our youth through the adolescent depression that no one can escape for reasons unknown.

My favourite thing we did was taking stupid pictures of ourselves. I didn't care how ugly or stupid or crazy we looked, I just remember the smiles being real, our laughter being sonorous and loud, the fun in our hearts seeming to only bloom and never fade. Even if I hate the beach-- in disgust of the sand being stuck everywhere, the taste of the salty sea that is basically made up of fish pee-- I didn't seem to mind any of it; as long as I was with my friends, whose presence was warmer than the sun on my skin.

I miss and cherish those days, where mistakes were always fixable, and grades were my main sources of stress. Where teenage drama was all we cared about, and friends were your family. 'Growing up' didn't really slip my mind until it slipped by so fast, and before I knew it, it was all over. I guess now I can only be bathed in the once-joy and real smiles and hope that I can find that sort of happiness again-- that sort of childhood glee buried with the ghost of us.

293 words


I'm still a kid, and I don't want to grow up; never did. But I just wonder all these days going back so fast and one day I'll be old and wrinkly, reminiscing my years of youth, wanting to relive it just one more time.

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