{51} Goodbye | Nov 2, 2022

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TW: Swearing


I stood in front of my window, staring at the rain that dropped onto the muddy ground, and the trees moved along with the wind; an unclear reflection of me on top of all of that.

As I stared at the distant wilderness, I thought about Zuri. I knew Zuri loved me; she told me, she showed me. But does she actually love me as much as I love her?

Because if she tells me to steal something, I'll do it-- if she tells me to fight someone, I'll be ready for it; hell, if she tells me to kill someone, I'll pull the trigger with no hesitation. But she can't even do as much as stay with me.

And I'm not saying that she can't leave. If she feels that being in a secret relationship is affecting her mental health-- then go ahead, leave. She doesn't have to date me. But yet she still goes on and on about how much she cares about me, and how distressing the thought of leaving me is.

What was the point? Guilt-trip me into telling everyone? Make me feel even worse for letting her go so easily? But then, through the foggy distance, a blurry figure was seen running through the rain; holding a jacket above their head to cover the droplets of water ever so slightly.

Confusion washed over me, but then I heard the doorbell. Going over, I swung open the door-- and there she was; Zuri. Her blonde hair was in clumps, dripping with rain; drops of rain slipped down her face and her clothes were soaked. She slowly dropped her arms to her side, gripping onto her wet jacket tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a hint of anger laced in my voice. "I wanted-- I needed to talk to you, Kori." Zuri stammered, her blue eyes wide as she stared up at me. "Well-- I don't want to talk to you. Sorry you had to run here in the rain, but please leave." I demanded in a calm tone. "Please-- Kori-- just two minutes. That's all I need."

I sighed, glancing over to the clock, then back at her. "Two minutes." I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned on the door frame. "Look, I do love you, okay? You were who made me discover what love is. And I don't want to leave you-- because that would break my heart into a million pieces; and I don't know how long it would take to fix it-- or if it ever will.

"But what I do know is that I do want to be with you. You cheer me up when I'm down, you bring the sun on my rainy days-- you make life worth living. And-- and I don't know what I would be able to do without you.

"Remember that night you snuck into my house? I was tucked in and about to go to sleep because that's the type of girl I was. I followed rules, I hung out with who my parents wanted me to hang out with, did homework in my free time.

"You pulled me out of bed, even with my protests. You showed me what it was like to have fun. You showed me what it was like to be free; free from my strict parents and their suffocating rules. I felt free around you, and only you.

"Leaving you is a nightmare-- and not the type you forget when you wake up. Please, if we just tell everyone about us, my mental health would be so much better; and I mean-- what's the worst that could happen?"

Even with her words of love and reassurance, all I could feel was my blood boiling and anger clouding my brain. "What's the worst that could happen? Well I don't know-- I could get kicked out." I sarcastically stated. "I told you before-- my mom is against this stuff; and she works at the school. If she finds out about us, finds out that we are so much more than friends, she would literally fucking disown me." I exclaimed, waving my arms around as if to prove a point.

"W-- well you can come live with us! My parents won't mind, they know. And we'll still get to be together-- happy and in love!" Zuri suggested. "I'm sorry, Zuri, but I can't. After dad left, mum's been a mess. I can't just leave her alone like that, even if she would be the one who wants me gone. I have to be there for her."

Silence fell upon us, the only sounds heard being the pattering rain and whooshing leaves. "So I guess this is goodbye." She muttered, her voice cracking; while I hummed in agreement, too afraid to hear my own voice if I said anything more. "Can-- can I kiss you one last time? Please?" Zuri requested, and I nodded.

We both slowly leaned in, her soft, plumped lips eventually meeting mine. As our lips moved in sync, I could feel drops of both rain and her tears staining my freckled cheeks. After she pulled away, I could still feel the kiss lingering on my lips; as if she didn't pull away. I held on to that feeling, wanting it to stay forever.

Gazing into her blue eyes for one last time, she left. I watched her walk away, not even bothering to cover herself with the jacket; her figure becoming smaller and smaller the further she walked. "Goodbye," I whispered, refusing to take my eyes off of her; though finally ripped my gaze away after seconds of watching, closing the door.

947 words


This piece is mainly to say how my parents won't accept me if they knew I'm bi. My mom did tell me that if I'm gay she would literally kick me out, and she is the one good parent I have.

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