{47} Pinky Promise | Oct 25, 2022

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Italics is flashback


"Promise me you'll never leave me." Julia said, her voice kind of unclear since her front tooth just fell out; hah, I still remember how excited she was when that happened. "I promise." I said back, a wide grin spread on my face, my freckled cheeks tinted red due to how hot it was outside.

"C'mon Kaleb, y'know a promise isn't a promise if it's not a pinky promise." The frizzy haired brunette whined, sticking her right pinky out. I playfully rolled my brown eyes before saying, "Fine," I braided her finger with mine. "I promise I'll never leave you," I declared, "And I to you." She responded, the both of us starting to giggle.

And there she was, sitting with her new group of friends. Her hair wasn't frizzy anymore, not like it was when we were younger; but her smile stayed the same, though the tooth did eventually grow back-- I still remember how excited she was when it fell out.

They laughed and talked, Julia looked happier than ever; while I sat alone, sadness glazed on top of my dark brown eyes as loneliness filled my heart. "Pinky promises are supposed to last forever, Kaleb." Little six year old Julia used to say, "You can never break a pinky promise."

Then why did you break this one? Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me Julia? You promised me you wouldn't-- you pinky promised, but I guess that meant nothing to you; because as I sat by myself at this lunch table, trying to hold all of these emotions in-- emotions that were caused by you-- I felt more lonelier than ever.

Because you weren't there next to me-- you weren't there to laugh at my jokes, or tell me stupid things while looking super excited; you weren't there. You broke my heart, you broke my trust; and you broke the promise, our promise, our pinky promise; and I will never forgive you for that.

330 words


C'mon, we have to all agree that a promise isn't actually official if it's not a pinky promise. You can't break a pinky promise, no matter what. The said promise from before was in fact a pinky promise, and one of the only things keeping me here is me clinging onto the pinky promise that I'm really hoping she doesn't break.

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