{108} Perfect Girl | Apr 28, 2023

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Italics is flashback


TW: Slight mentions of blood (metaphor) and slight mentions of death


I glanced down at her with smiling eyes.

She was the perfect girl-- the perfect girl for me.

She was the type of girl that made you feel fuzzy on the inside whenever she smiles. She's like the smell of earth after a rain that splattered the ground with its tears. Like a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy morning-- with the perfect amount of sugar and marshmallows.

She's got skin like coffee with a splash of milk inside, and beautiful eyes the color of maple syrup on a tall stack of pancakes.

With my hand on her smooth cheek, like touching a fluffy pillow in a fort you've made when you're young, I couldn't help the blissful grin that spread on my face.

Who knew someone could feel love so young? Who knew a person like me-- a dead leaf in a bush of blooming flowers, a roaring thunderstorm on a sunny beach-- could experience such an enchanting feeling, and especially this soon?

"You promise you'll never leave me?" I asked.

"I promise I'll never leave you." She said back, her voice sounding like the whistling wind in midnight-- so calm, so peaceful; something worth enjoying.

I looked down at her, my eyes wide-- as if begging, begging for her to listen.

The field of grass burnt with the fire lit by our enemies. People ran around in fear, screaming for some sort of miracle that could only be given by the higher ground, but they could only weep as silence was all they were given back.

Men laid lifelessly on the ground, men who were husbands and fathers. Wives wailed and sobbed, holding their crying babies close to their chests.

Though all of this was all a blur to me as I was focused on her and only her.

"We can get out of here. We can go so far away-- start a life together in peace. We can be happy." I breathed out, searching for some sort of sign in her watery eyes.

The tears rolled down her face like a soft rain on a cloudy day.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, but I just... can't."

And this sort of pain just struck my heart-- like a physical ache that burned in my chest.

It almost felt as if I got stabbed, my blood dripping down like tears, crying for help.

"This is my home, I can't just abandon it like that. I can't just cower away like that." She continued saying, her voice sounding just like how it did all those years ago-- but just like the broken ground, her words were cracked as well.

I wanted to be as strong as she was, willing to stand with Home, instead of cowardly hiding away. I sometimes wished I could be like her.

"You promised you would never leave me." I quietly rasped out, as if it was a last cry for help.

The girl stared up at me with her eyes of maple syrup, so beautiful yet still able to break my heart completely with a silent apology.

Just like every other fairytale, this one had to come to an end.

I always knew that there would be a time where she and I would finish-- like the end of a tunnel-- I just didn't know I would suffer this much; that I would hurt this much.

But that doesn't change that she was the perfect girl-- like when the sugary sweet ice cream hits your tongue on a hot summer day, like how the stars glimmer in a plain night sky and you just stare up at it wondering how it could hold such beauty-- she was all of the perfect things in life put together in one.

She was the perfect girl-- the perfect girl for me.

643 words


I've felt alone-- I've been feeling alone for a while. Even with friends, I just never seemed to be able to escape from this overcoming loneliness that just seemed to be eating me alive; starting from the heart. And I've always wanted that one person to cherish-- even as cheesy and cliche it sounds, I wanted to have someone that I was completely and utterly mesmerised by. Just a few days ago, I got my first ever girlfriend-- and it just seemed that I could finally give my 'cherishing' a try; finally able to look at someone with a passionate glint in my eyes. And of course, I have to turn every story sad so that's how this happened, and this was actually a fake scenario I had that I made come to life.

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