{35} My World | Oct 13, 2022

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Italics is thoughts


TW: Death


Standing next to a crystal blue lake-- the tall trees with vines wrapped around the stumps, green leaves and pink flowers scattered all around the branches-- I had my hands cupping her cheeks, breathing in the fresh forest air, the after-rain scent filling my nose.

Her brunette fading into blonde hair pooled around my wrists, her curls moving along with the wind. Her sky blue eyes stared into my bright green ones; her plump pink lips curled up into a small smile.

As I stroked her crimson red cheeks with my thumb, my warm palm engulfing her face, my heart felt completely full. Before I met her, it felt as if something was missing in my life, as if there was a hole in my heart; but now that I'm with her, with Juliet, life feels complete, and I feel happy-- happier than I ever was.

"This world-- my world-- it's dark, it's cold; it's ugly, alright? But you, you bring the light, you make it warm; you... you make it beautiful. You make my world, Juliet. Nobody else but you." I revealed, the feeling of love clouding my brain as I felt every one of my problems, every other feeling I have, slip away; because with her, none of those things matter.

"You're my world."

I snapped my eyes open, the dull feeling coming back. Looking to my bedside table, I saw a picture with dried flowers stuck onto the frame. I still remember picking and sticking the flowers, Juliet. It was one of the best days of my life.

In the photo, it was raining. The streets were wet with rain water, our clothes and hair soaked. We both had wide grins on our faces, since we were mid-laugh as her friend decided to take the photo. My arm was around her shoulders while hers were around my waist. I still remember that day, Juliet. It was the day I realised I was in love with you. The day I knew you were my world.

And you still are, even if you are up there. You will always be my world.

353 words


My head has always been a dark place, and I've always been scared to show someone else this so-called 'dark world' that is my head. My (mentioned) best friend was the only one who would accept my dark mind and past, and that's how this story got made.

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