{28} Rain | Oct 6-9, 2022

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Italics is flashback


I stood under a small roof, waiting for the rain to pass so I could walk home. I have been standing there for a while, really wanting to get home; not being one to enjoy staying out for a long time.

A foggy figure started walking towards me, and it turned out to be Liam, my next door neighbour; also known as the 'popular' boy in school, though we don't really sort people like that.

"Hey Kayleigh." Liam greeted me, a small smile plastered on his face; there was something about that smile that I couldn't explain. I glanced over to him, shocked; seeing as he and I never officially talked before. "Hi." I croaked out, immediately feeling embarrassed afterwards by how high pitched it came out like.

"You don't have an umbrella." Liam awkwardly stated, to which I responded with a confused nod, muttering a, "Yes." The raven haired boy cleared his throat, then asked me, "Do you maybe wanna-- walk home together?" I stared up at him with furrowed eyebrows before finally responding with, "That would be nice."

It was practically silent during our journey home; the only sounds that did fill our ears were the rain slapping onto the leaves and trees. When we finally arrived at our houses, which were located literally right next to each other, we parted ways, both mumbling a simple 'goodbye', and leaving without another word.


The heavy rain hit the pavement as I walked out of my office building. As I looked into the dark, foggy distance, I noticed a tall, skinny man, in a black suit. His hair was quite fluffy in a raven color. The man looked down at his watch, and then back up, impatiently tapping his foot.

I walked over to the man, and the closer I got, the more familiar he seemed. "Hey," I said, and the familiar looking man stared at me, his green eyes filled with curiosity and confusion. "Hi," He said back. "Sorry, I just noticed you didn't have an umbrella." I stated awkwardly. "I don't." The familiar man responded simply.

"D-- do you need to go somewhere? We could maybe walk together." I offered, and then I saw his smile. There is just something about that smile I couldn't explain. "That would be nice."

382 words


This is based off of a real event (the first part). It was raining really hard after school, and this guy in my grade that just so happens to be my neighbour offers to share his umbrella with me. We are actually good friends now, and I did return the favour with an umbrella.

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