{37} Unlike Everybody Else | Oct 14, 2022

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Italics is thoughts


TW: Death and suicide


Sitting against the bathroom wall, unwanted tears streaming down my pale cheeks, I felt absolutely horrible. My eyes were slowly fluttering closed with a dramatic amount of sleepiness clouding my brain, my stomach was in so much pain that it was almost unbearable, my legs and arms couldn't stop shaking, my mouth felt completely dried out, and my breathing-- it was slowing down more and more; my heartbeat steadily fading away.

As I sat on the tiled floor, leaning my head back while staring at the ceiling with my half-closed eyes, I felt completely empty. My life hasn't even started, and now it's ending. I have done nothing yet. I haven't found a person that'll take a bullet for me, a person that'll be there for me through the highest and lowest, no matter how ugly it gets; I haven't yet found a person who I fell completely and utterly in love with-- and I never will.

As I sat there, all I could think about was how my mirror never laughed at me when everybody else did, how my pillows held my salty tears when nobody were there to catch them, how songs and music held my emotions when I hid how I truly felt from everyone, how my bed caught me every time I flopped onto it from a long day of exhaustion, how my dreams allowed me to escape reality when life absolutely sucked, how the rain cried with me when I was down; unlike everybody else.

Eventually, my heart completely stopped; my breaths were no longer coming out of my nose. I fluttered my eyes shut, feeling all of the pain going away; not just how I felt physically, but how depressed I was, how emotionally drained I was, how numb I was. Finally I thought, finally, I can escape this world. Finally I can escape this pain.

With a smile on my face, feeling myself slowly lose consciousness, I finally felt free; free from my unloving family, free from my stupid classmates, free from my heartless bullies-- free from everything. And in the last few seconds of my miserable life, I felt a hint of happiness flow through me; for the last few seconds of my life, I understood how it was to get something I want, have something go my way-- a life without pain. And even if it was only for a few seconds, it turned out to be the best few seconds of my life.

And then, everything stopped. Darkness was the only thing I saw, silence was all I could hear. Coldness touched my skin, goosebumps emerging, and--

436 words


I've always imagined how freeing it would be to finally let go of this world and to arrive at the darkness and in the hold of Death. I've had these thoughts, and finally I wrote them down.

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