{123} Love-Remnants | Aug 15, 2023

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TW: Manipulation and swearing


My love for you is like a semi-colon. It's over, I know it is, you've shown me again and again that it is done, completely, officially; at last. But is it really over? Or is there something more left over, hanging there like the end of a sentence?

I can still feel the love-remnants scattered around my mind. Occasionally, I remember you and the seeming toll you've left on my life and my heart. I begin to remember memories we've shared, memories that I still cherish. I begin to remember the feelings I had for you, love I had for you, and just like that it seems I've fallen right into the trap you've left me all over again. The small bits of scrap love in my brain can somehow cause my heart to be fully in love with you again and again, it just takes me being able to remember; and with you, I know I'll never forget.

My love for you is like falling off a cliff. I've never been aware as to when I fell, how I fell, why I even was there in the first place. I just happened to be on a cliff, facing my back towards the edges, and accidentally slipped and down I went, into the sea of my love for you and not able to do anything but drown into the deep waters; well that or you were the one to push me.

I guess I'm finally realising of your cruel intentions. You saw me, got to know me, decided that it was fun to make another person fall for your devious trap by luring me in with your enticing essence-- and again, you've succeeded, and it somehow scarred me forever.

I just wish I could someday move on, from you and your selfish wants, because that you isn't the you I'm in love with. That seems to be the most heartbreaking part of it all, the fact that the version of you that I fell for isn't even real, that who you really are is a gruesome ogre undercover as a beautiful angel.

I wonder if you've ever loved me, a shred, a bit, just a tiny bit. I'm fully aware of the answer, but at times it's nice to fantasise. I want to say I'm glad I've got to realise of your real feelings for me, but in all honesty I wish I could've stayed that clueless kid for a small while longer so I could've kept living in that faux-love you were giving me, and that beautiful feeling I had for you.

Yet it's all over, like the end of a sentence. My once lover, my once everything, turning out to be the one to make me nothing; at least it feels that way. But for some fucking reason unknown, it feels that the sentence just has a bit more at the end-- the chapter hasn't ended, the story still continues. I really need to tell the difference between fantasy and real life sometimes.

Now all I can do is wallow in my sorrow, hoping for the fate that isn't going to come, hating the love I once had, and hating myself for how naive and gullible I was being. And in all, realise that I'm lonely again, but I'm just not ready for it yet.

557 words


This story has no backstory, I just thought of a prompt and wrote it. For the record, this and the last story was written at 2 in the morning so I was really tired and half asleep so honestly it does not even make sense, but just kindly go with it thank you very much :).

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