{66} Feel | Dec 1, 2022

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Anger, sadness, happiness; even if they are quite literally the opposites of each other, they are still emotions that everyone feels-- well, everyone except for me.

I've always envied these humans who are able to feel these things, to feel like they're over the moon, to feel like they're stuck in the ground. I never got to feel that, feel the happiness with friends, feel the warmth with family, feel the sadness with sappy movies, feel the anger with siblings.

I was programmed to not feel anything; just an intellectual being to 'make the world a better place'. So everyday, when I stand on the balcony, looking over these tiny humans walking around, talking with their family, grabbing coffee with their friends, all I can do is stare in despair as I can't ever experience what they do, feel what they do; love like they do.

All I want is to make friends, have a family, to find love; because without any of that, I'm still empty, just brain with no heart.

That's all I ask for, to have a heart and not just a brain; to feel.

187 words


For a long while I felt absolutely nothing. I've been compare to a robot through my emotionless state, and taking that idea, it gave me inspiration to write it into a fantasy story.

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