{54} Baby girl | Nov 6, 2022

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Italics is flashbacks


I sat in Jackie's living room, her bringing the both of us a drink. "What's that?" I asked the brunette girl as she walked into the room holding two drinks. "A drink my dad likes; dunno if you will though-- it's quite... unique, might I say." Jackie stated, handing me the can.

I opened it, taking a cautious sip of it; but as the sweet, brown liquid hit my tongue, memories flashed into my brain repeatedly.

"Kali, sweetie--" My mom called out as little six year old me ran up to her. "Guess what I got you." She spoke in a slight sing-song voice. "What?" I quizzed, an excited grin spread on my face. "This!" She exclaimed, pulling a drink out from behind her back.

"Yay!" I cheered, squealing happily. "Thank you mommy!" I said, hugging her tightly as I took the drink from her, her kissing my forehead before I ran away. Mom always bought me the drink at the end of the month, never forgot to.

My eyes were wide as I fell into a trance. "Kali? Helloooooo." Jackie snapped her fingers in front of my face, leading to me snapping out of my daydream. "What happened?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. "This," I breathed out. "It-- it tastes like her hugs." I spoke. "What?" Jackie quizzed, confused.

"I-- my mom. She-- she used to buy me this once every month. I remember being so happy. I-- I would hug her so tightly, and she'd kiss my forehead," I explained. I still remembered her forehead kisses; it was her way of saying: you are my baby girl, and I will love and protect you forever.

She did, and she always will. She's my mommy and I'm her baby girl, that will never change.

297 words


I found this drink at the back of our fridge, and it tasted exactly like my childhood... if that makes sense. My mom used to buy it for me all of the time, and after years of not tasting it, I was so inspired by the flavour that I just had to write it down.

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