{69} Silence | Dec 1, 2022

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A/n: Chapter 69 ;)) ok bye, im childish 8-] ENJOYY!! haha


Italics is flashbacks


TW: Swearing


My silence isn't quiet, my silence isn't empty; it is full of words. Words that I can't say, words that I refuse to say; because everyone always finds a way to twist them, change them, make me seem like someone I am not.

That's why I don't talk anymore, I've been silenced; whatever I say is wrong.

Shut up.

Don't say that, it's embarrassing.

Only a dumbass would say stuff like that.

Don't talk.

But when I don't say anything, they all have a problem with it

Why aren't you talking?

You've been so quiet.

Why even come if you're not gonna say anything; so annoying.

Such a bore.

What should I do, what can I do? If I talk, I'm stupid, dumb, an idiot; if I don't, I'm quiet, annoying, a bore.

Should I shut up, or should I continue? Should I talk, or should I stay quiet? Should I be stupid and keep on speaking, or should I be a bore and stop my chattering?

So I stay silent and alone, alone with my thoughts, loud enough to make me feel like I'm still able to communicate with people; because I'm the only person I can talk to, the only person that wouldn't judge my meaningless words.

My silence isn't quiet, my silence isn't empty; my silence is caused by everything and everyone, and now I'm alone because of it, because of them.

236 words


I don't talk as much anymore. People have made me quiet. But I can still give my words meaning through short stories, and then I wrote this.

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