{89} Plane Crash | Jan 13

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TW: Death


The engine caught on fire. Y'know what, it's fine, it's okay, there's still another one.

The other engine caught on fire. The plane started shooting down.

I could hear the desperate screams, the whimpers and cries. Families started saying farewell, hugging each other as despair slipped out with the sobs and broken words.

I looked out of the small window, seeing the flames that corrupted the engines, and the carpet of green that spread on the ground below, the leaves vibrant and the trees tall.

I sat back in my seat that shook vigorously, playing with my blonde hair that reached my shoulders. My breath was heavy, and my heartbeat only increased by the second, and I knew I was going to die on this plane.

Quickly, I went and reached for my phone, dialing his number. "Hey Kathy! When's your flight landing again?" Oh his voice, I'll miss it so much. Any other person would've found it scary, how low and raspy it is, but I never thought of it that way. If you completely calm down, your mind hazy and tired, and you really really listen, it would be the most soothing thing you ever hear.

"Kathy?" He then called out, snapping me out of my daze. "Uh-- uhm.. I'm not going to make it." I managed to utter out, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. "Why? D'you miss your flight?" He then questioned. Hearing the confusion and innocence made it ever so much harder to tell him.

I mean, what am I meant to say? 'The plane's going to crash, and you're going to lose your precious girlfriend because she's most definitely not going to survive this.' I can't, I can't break his heart like that. Not again. Losing him the first time completely shattered his heart, along with mine. I thought I was doing a good thing for the both of us, but really it was just for the benefit of me.

I can't do that again, break his heart-- it's too much; too much to do, too much to handle.

"Ye-- yeah. Sorry. I-- I'll catch the next one, okay? But I'll-- I'll be a few hours late." I muttered, feeling tears well up my eyes. "It's okay, as long as you arrive. I can't wait to see you. I've missed you so much-- and this time, I'll never let you out of my hold ever again."

I swallowed a sob, feeling the lonely tears drip down, rolling down my rosy cheeks, falling off of my chin. "Yeah. I won't leave you ever again. I'll always be with you, forever." I could hear him chuckle on the other end of the line, then I started talking again.

"I-- I just want to tell you.. uhm.. that I love you, so so much. You helped me through basically everything. You were always there for me, and I don't know how I would've been able to make it through my years without you.

"And I'm also so proud of you. Wh-- when I first met you, you were like-- the meanest person ever. Always bullied the little kids, stole people's lunch money. And-- and look how far you've come.

"Y-- you just need to know that I love you with my wh-- whole heart, and nothing will ever change that.. ever." I finished saying.

"Yea, I-- I love you too. But.. what's wrong? Why are you saying this?" I heard him ask, and I only shook my head, even if I knew he couldn't see it. "It's nothing, it's nothing. I-- I'll see you later, okay?" I quizzed. "Of course." He responded.

And as I heard his calming, soothing voice for the last time, I couldn't help but smile; even through the tears that stained my freckled face.

He hung up as the hand that held my phone to my ear dropped down to my lap. I fluttered my teary blue eyes shut, taking a deep breath, and then...

The plane crashed onto the ground, a large piece of the ceiling falling onto me. I felt my heartbeat get slower, and slower, and slower. At one point, it completely stopped-- but right before I got corrupted by the darkness we all know as Death, I saw him; smiling down at me, the brightest smile in the world.

And that was the last of him I saw, and ever will see.

735 words


This story was actually not my idea, this dude that's friends with me actually offered it to me. Apparently, last year at around March, a girl was going to visit her boyfriend (they were doing long-distance). But unfortunately, the plane crashed and no one survived. So this is kind of a story based off of that.

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